mincmorph - MNI medical image format tools

mincmorph [options] <in.mnc> <out.mnc>

Command-specific options: General options:

be verbose
clobber existing files

Outfile Options

Use data type of the input file.
Write out byte data.
Write out short integer data. (Default)
Write out long integer data.
Write out single-precision data.
Write out double-precision data.
Write signed integer data.
Write unsigned integer data.

Kernel Options

Use a 2D 4-connectivity kernel.
Use a 2D 8-connectivity kernel.
Use a 3D 6-connectivity kernel. (default)
Use a 3D 26-connectivity kernel.
<kernel.kern> read in a custom kernel file

Morphology Options

lowwer value for binarising or clamping
Default value: -1.79769e+308
upper value for binarising or clamping (incl)
Default value: 1.79769e+308
range for binarising or clamping (incl)
Default value: -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
foreground value
Default value: 1
background value
Default value: 0

binarise volume using the input range
clamp volume using the input range
pad volume with respect to the current kernel (-background to specify value)
do a single erosion
do a single dilation
do a single median dilation (note: this is not a median filter!)
open: dilation(erosion(X))
close: erosion(dilation(X))
lowpass filter: close(open(X))
highpass filter: X - lowpass(X)
convolve file with kernel
distance transform
label groups in ascending order

Successive operations (Maximum: 100)
B[floor:ceil:fg:bg] - binarise in the range, using foreground and background K[floor:ceil:bg] - clamp between the specified range. Set other voxels to 'bg' (default: 0) P[bg] - pad volume with respect to the current kernel using 'bg' (default: 0) E - erosion D - dilation M - median dilation O - open C - close L - lowpass filter H - highpass filter X - convolve F - distance transform (binary input only - not checked) G - Label the groups in the volume in ascending order R[TYPE|file.kern] - (2D04|2D08|3D06|3D26) or read in a kernel file W[file.mnc] - write out current results I[cmp.mnc] - local xcorr between current file and cmp.mnc Default: "B"

Print summary of command-line options and abort
Print version number of program and exit
mincmorph -help
July 2020 mincmorph 2.3.00