MCU8051IDE(1) General Commands Manual MCU8051IDE(1)

mcu8051ide [--help] [-h] [--assemble asm_file] [--compile asm_file] [--iram-size size] [--code-size size] [--xram-size size] [--no-opt] [--quiet] [-q] [--nosplash] [--nocolor] [-n] [--version] [-V] [--defaults] [--disassemble] [--minimalized] [--config-file filename] [--check-libraries] [--ignore-last-session] [--open-project project] [--reset-user-settings] [--hex2bin input output] [--bin2hex input output] [--sim2hex input output] [--sim2bin input output] [--normalize-hex input] [--auto-indent input] [--comp-quiet] [--no-sim] [--no-bin] [--no-lst] [--no-hex] [--warning-level N]

MCU 8051 IDE is tool for developing programs in assembly language and C language (with SDCC) for micronstollers based on industrial standard MCS-51. It consist of editor with syntax highlight, auto completion, syntax validation and command line, compiler with support for macro-instructions (even macro in macro), simulator, scientific calculator, (rich) text editor for writing to do lists, hexadecimal editor and many other tools.

Display short help text
Don't display status of initialization progress on startup
Don't show splash screen
Disable color output
Display version information
Start with default settings (low level GUI settings (panel sizes ...))
Start with minimalized window
Specify path to file containing user settings
Check if all necessary Tcl libraries are available
Start with an empty session (no project will be opened at startup)
Open only this project
Reset all user settings to defaults
Convert Intel Hex 8 file to binary file
Convert binary file to Intel Hex 8 file
Convert MCU 8051 IDE v0.9.1 simulator file to Intel Hex 8 file
Convert MCU 8051 IDE v0.9.1 simulator file to binary file
Normalize IHEX8 file
Reformat indention in source code
Disaseble IHEX8 code and store result in input.asm
Assemble the asm_file and exit program
The same as --assemble
Set size of internal data memory (eg. 1K or 1024) (default: 0x100)
Set size of program memory (eg. 1K or 1024) (default: 0x10000)
Set size of external data memory (eg. 1K or 1024) (default: 0x10000)
Disable compiler optimalizations
Suppress compiler console output
Do not generate SIM file (for MCU 8051 IDE simulator)
Do not generate binary object code
Do not generate code listing
Do not generate IHEX8 object code; 3 - Nothing; 2 - Errros only; 1 - Errors + Warnings; 0 - All (Default)

XML file containing tips. (Dialog "Tip of the day")
XML definition of supported MCUs. Warning: MCU 8051 IDE cannot run without this file. Please do not rely on format of this file. It may be changed in future version without any warning.
INI like definition of the last session.
Base configuration file. It contains only three configuration keys separated by spaces, please do not rely on format of this file. It may be changed in future version without any warning.
Main configuration file (INI like). Readable and I hope user friendly.

List of supported porcessors is very short yet. Please post suggestions to .

8051, 80C51, 8052, AT89C2051, AT89C4051, AT89C51, AT89C51RC, AT89C52, AT89C55WD, AT89LV51, AT89LV52, AT89LV55, AT89S52, AT89LS51, AT89LS52, AT89S8253, AT89S2051, AT89S4051, AT89S52, AT89LS51, AT89LS52, AT89S8253, AT89S2051, AT89S4051, T87C5101, T83C5101, T83C5102, TS80C32X2, TS80C52X2, TS87C52X2, AT80C32X2, AT80C52X2, AT87C52X2, AT80C54X2, AT80C58X2, AT87C54X2, AT87C58X2, TS80C54X2, TS80C58X2, TS87C54X2, TS87C58X2, TS80C31X2, AT80C31X2

Add support for more MCS-51 based microcontrollers. Fix all bugs.

Martin Osmera <>

16 December 2007 User Commands