MarkAd - marks advertisements in VDR recordings.
MarkAd marks advertisements in VDR recordings.
- Usage: markad [options]
cmd <recording>
- -b , --background
markad runs as a background-process
this will be automatically set if called with "after"
- -i , --ignoreinfo=<info>
ignores hints from info(.vdr) file
<info> 4 = ignore timer info
- -l , --logocachedir
directory where predefined logos were stored, default
notice: channels sometimes change their logo, you have to to keep the cache
up to date
wrong logos will result in bad mark results
- --autologo=<option>
if there is no suitable logo file found, markad will try to find the logo
from the recording and store the result in the recording directory
<option> 0 = disable, only use logos from logo cache directory
1 = deprecated, do not use
2 = enable, if there is no suitable logo in the logo cache directory
find logo from recording and store it in the recording directory
use it only on systems with >= 1 GB main memory
- --fulldecode
this option is only available on command line usage
decode all video frame types
use it only on powerful CPUs, it will double overall run time
- --fullencode=<streams>
this option is only available for command line usage
full reencode video generated by --cut
use it only on powerful CPUs, it will double overall run time
<streams> all = keep all video and audio streams of the recording
best = only encode best video and best audio stream, drop rest
- -p , --priority=<priority>
software priority of markad when running in background
<priority> from -20...19, default 19
- -r , --ioprio=<class>[,<level>]
io priority of markad when running in background
<class> 1 = realtime, <level> from 0..7, default 4
2 = besteffort, <level> from 0..7, default 4
3 = idle (default)
make sure your I/O scheduler supports scheduling priorities and classes
(e.g. BFQ or CFQ)
- -v , --verbose
increments loglevel by one, can be given multiple times
- -B , --backupmarks
make a backup of existing marks
- -I , --saveinfo
correct information in info file
- -L , --extractlogo=<direction>[,width[,height]]
extracts logo to /tmp as pgm files (must be renamed)
<direction> 0 = top left, 1 = top right
2 = bottom left, 3 = bottom right
- -O , --OSD
markad sends an OSD-Message for start and end
- -R , --log2rec
write logfiles into recording directory
- -T , --threads=<number>
number of threads used for decoding, max. 16
(default is the number of cpus)
- -V , --version
print version-info and exit
- --loglevel=<level>
sets loglevel to the specified value
<level> 1=error 2=info 3=debug 4=trace
- --markfile=<markfilename>
set a different markfile-name
- --nopid
disables creation of file in recdir
--online[=1|2] ( default is 1 )
start markad immediately when called with "before" as cmd
if online is 1, markad starts online for live-recordings
only, online=2 starts markad online for every recording
live-recordings are identified by having a '@' in the
filename so the entry 'Mark instant recording' in the menu
Setup - Recording of the vdr should be set to 'yes'
- --pass1only
process only first pass, setting of marks
- --pass2only
process only second pass, fine adjustment of marks
- --svdrphost=<ip/hostname>
( default is )
ip/hostname of a remote VDR for OSD messages
- --astopoffs=<value>
( default is 0 )
assumed stop offset in seconds range from 0 to 240
- --posttimer=<value>
( default is 600 )
additional recording time in seconds after epg timer end
range from 0 to 1200
- --vps
use VPS events from markad.vps to optimize start and stop marks
- --cut
cut video based on marks and store it in the recording directory
there are no splits of the target file, make sure your filesystem can
handle big files
- --ac3reencode
re-encode AC3 stream to fix low audio level of cutted video on same devices
requires --cut
use it only if you really need it, it is very CPU consuming
- --svdrpport=<port>
( default is 6419 )
port of a remote VDR for OSD messages
cmd: one of
- dummy-parameter if called directly
nice runs markad directly and with nice(19)
after markad started by vdr after the recording is complete
before markad started by vdr before the recording is complete, only valid
together with --online
edited markad started by vdr in edit function and exits immediately
<record> is the name of the directory where the recording is
Written by Jochen Dolze <>
Report bugs to
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. See the file COPYING for more information.