mapserv(1) mapserv(1)

mapserv - mapserver CGI interface


mapserv provides commandline access to the MapServer CGI interface.

Display mapserver version and build options.
Suppress HTTP headers.
CGI QUERY_STRING parameter, e.g. QUERY_STRING="MAP=/home/user/"

The CGI interface can be tested at the commandline by using the "QUERY_STRING" switch, such as:

       mapserv "QUERY_STRING=map=/home/user/"

To suppress the HTTP headers, you can use the "-nh" switch, such as:

       mapserv -nh "QUERY_STRING=map=/home/user/"

To save the output into an image file, use the pipe command such as:

       mapserv -nh "QUERY_STRING=map=/home/user/" > test.png

MapServer CGI Documentation ⟨⟩

31 March 2024