map2img(1) | map2img(1) |
map2img - create a map image from a mapfile
-m mapfile [-o image] [-e minx
miny maxx maxy] [-s sizex sizey]
[-l " layer1 [layer2...]"] [-i
format] [-all_debug n] [-map_debug n]
[-layer_debug layername n] [-p n]
[-c n] [-d layername datavalue]
map2img creates a map image from a mapfile. Output is either PNG or GIF depending on what version of the GD library is used. This is a useful utility to test your mapfile. You can simply provide the path to your mapfile and the name of an output image, and an image should be returned. If an image cannot be created an error will be displayed at the command line that should refer to a line number in the mapfile.
Example #1
map2img -m -o test.png
Example #2
map2img -m -o test2.png -map_debug 3
msDrawRasterLayerLow(bathymetry): entering msDrawMap(): Layer 0 (bathymetry), 0.601s msDrawMap(): Layer 3 (drain_fn), 0.200s msDrawMap(): Layer 4 (drainage), 0.300s msDrawMap(): Layer 5 (prov_bound), 0.191s msDrawMap(): Layer 6 (fedlimit), 0.030s msDrawMap(): Layer 9 (popplace), 0.080s msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.300s msDrawMap() total time: 1.702s msSaveImage() total time: 0.040s
Example #3
map2img -m -o test3.png -all_debug 3
msLoadMap(): 0.671s msDrawRasterLayerLow(bathymetry): entering. msDrawGDAL(): src=72,417,3077,2308, dst=0,0,400,300 msDrawGDAL(): red,green,blue,alpha bands = 1,0,0,0 msDrawMap(): Layer 0 (bathymetry), 0.090s msSearchDiskTree(): Search returned no results. Unable to open spatial index for D:\ms4w\apps\gmap\htdocs/.\../data/drain_fn.qix. In most cases you can safely ignore this message, otherwise check file names and permissions. msDrawMap(): Layer 3 (drain_fn), 0.010s msDrawMap(): Layer 4 (drainage), 0.050s msSearchDiskTree(): Search returned no results. Unable to open spatial index for D:\ms4w\apps\gmap\htdocs/.\../data/province.qix. In most cases you can safely ignore this message, otherwise check file names and permissions. msDrawMap(): Layer 5 (prov_bound), 0.030s msSearchDiskTree(): Search returned no results. Unable to open spatial index for D:\ms4w\apps\gmap\htdocs/.\../data/fedlimit.qix. In most cases you can safely ignore this message, otherwise check file names and permissions. msDrawMap(): Layer 6 (fedlimit), 0.010s msDrawMap(): Layer 9 (popplace), 0.010s msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.201s msDrawMap() total time: 0.401s msSaveImage() total time: 0.010s map2img total time: 1.082s
31 March 2024 |