lucy - Assembly Sequence Cleanup Program
lucy [-pass_along min_value max_value med_value]
[-range area1 area2 area3] [-alignment area1 area2 area3]
[-vector vector_sequence_file splice_site_file]
[-cdna [minimum_span maximum_error initial_search_range]] [-keep]
[-size vector_tag_size] [-threshold vector_cutoff]
[-minimum good_sequence_length] [-debug [filename]]
[-output sequence_filename quality_filename]
[-error max_avg_error max_error_at_ends]
[-window window_size max_avg_error
[window_size max_avg_error ...]]
[-bracket window_size max_avg_error]
[-quiet] [-inform_me] [-xtra cpu_threads]
sequence_file quality_file [2nd_sequence_file]
Lucy is a utility that prepares raw DNA sequence fragments
for sequence assembly, possibly using the TIGR Assembler. Raw DNA
sequence fragments are obtained from DNA sequencing machines, such as those
from the Applied Biosystems Inc. (ABI). Lucy accepts three input data
files: the sequences file, the quality file, and (optionally)
a second sequence file for comparison purposes. All three files
should be in the plain FASTA format.
The first sequence file and its accompanying quality file are
obtained from other utility programs, such as phred(1), which reads
the sequencing machine chromatograph outputs and generates sequence base
calls in a sequence file together with a quality assessment file for each
base call made. The optional second sequence file usually comes directly
from the sequencing machine itself and are used to reassure/enhance the
quality of the sequences.
Lucy makes no assumption about the order of sequences in
the three input files. As long as all necessary information can be found,
DNA sequences and quality sequences can be in different order. A sequence
without its quality assessment companion or vice versa will be reported as
an error. The second sequence file is allowed to have missing sequences that
appear only in the first sequence file. Sequences that appear only in the
second sequence file will be reported and ignored by lucy.
The operations of Lucy are divided into 7 phases:
- Phase 1:
- Count the number of input sequences in the first sequence file, and create
internal data structures accordingly. Lucy allocates memory
dynamically, so there is no preset limit on the size of input files. The
size of input files is only limited by your available computer memory.
Note that lucy's static memory requirement grows very slowly
with the number of input sequences, at roughly 60 bytes plus the
sequence name storage for each input sequence. This is because lucy does
not store any sequence data in the memory after processing them.
Therefore, by all practical considerations lucy can handle any number of
input sequences. The dynamic memory requirement of lucy is proportional
to the longest sequence in the input, not the number of sequences, but
its actual size varies from processing phases to phases.
- Phase 2:
- Read all sequence information, including name, length, and positions. To
save memory, lucy does not load all sequences data into main memory
at once. Instead, it uses direct file addressing to access each sequence
only when it is needed. Therefore, it is very important that the content
of the input files stays unchanged during runtime.
- Phase 3:
- Read the quality information for sequences, and compute good quality
regions, i.e., regions within sequences that have higher quality values
and can be trusted to be correct. Lucy determines a
"clean" range which has an average probability of error (per
base) that is no greater than the probability specified by the -error
option (or the default, if -error is not used). Note that secondary
sequence extension (next step) is performed after quality trimming.
Because of this, it is possible that the final "clear" range
(after vector trimming) will have a probability of error which is greater
than the specified value.
- Phase 4:
- Read the second sequence file, compare its sequences to the first sequence
file, and extend good quality regions if they both agree. If the second
sequence file is not provided, this step is skipped. Note that this
sequence comparison phase will not in anyway shorten the good quality
region determined by the previous phase; it will only extend it if
possible. It is very important that the second sequence file does
not come from the same base calling software as the first sequence
file, and is base-called with different algorithms. Otherwise, if
the two sequence files are identical, lucy will extend sequences
all the way to both ends, and completely ruin the purpose of quality
trimming done in the previous phase.
Usually, the first sequence file comes from phred(1)
with the companion quality file, and the second sequence file comes
directly from the original ABI base calling software with the sequencing
- Phase 5:
- Locate splice sites on ends of sequences. In this phase, lucy tries
to compare all input sequences against splice site sequences in a splice
site file which defines the vector sequences near the insertion point on
the vector. If splice site sequences are found on any input sequence, they
will be excluded from the good quality region so that the sequence
assembly program will not mistakenly take them into account when trying to
reassemble the sequences. Note that lucy assumes all input
sequences are read from the same direction and matching the direction of
the splice site sequences. Therefore, the forward and reverse read
sequences of a clone should not be mixed together in a single input file.
If such a mixture of forward and reverse read sequences is unavoidable,
lucy can be run twice to check in both directions, once with the
forward splice site sequences, the other time with the reverse splice site
sequences. See the description of option -vector below for more
By popular demand, a poly-A/T trimming feature has been built
into lucy. It is designated Phase 5a and is an optional step. See
the options -cdna and -keep below for details of their
- Phase 6:
- Remove vector insert sequences. In this phase, all input sequences are
checked against a full length vector sequence in a vector file, and
sequences that are vector inserts themselves will be detected and removed.
Lucy uses a quick fragment match method to check for vector
sequences. Both the target vector sequence and the input sequences are
converted into fragments (range from 8 to 16 bases long, default is 10),
and matching fragments are detected quickly. Vector sequences are detected
when they contain more matches to vector fragments in their good quality
region (already excluded of splice site sequences done previously) than a
normal, non-vector sequence can possibly match by chance. The default
cutoff threshold is 20%. A sequence which contains over 20% match to the
vector will be considered a vector insert and discarded.
- Phase 7:
- Produce output sequences for fragment assembly. In the final phase,
Lucy produces two output files, the cleaned sequence file with
markers for good quality regions, and a companion quality file.
Optionally, lucy can also generate a cleavage information file
(i.e. the good quality region information) which can be used to update
Each sequence in the output sequence file begins with a header
that includes its name, three pass along clone length values to the fragment
assembly program, and a left and right marker denoting the begin and end of
the good quality, vector free region. The following is an example of
lucy output:
>GCCAA03TF 1500 3000 2000 43 490
Note that lucy checks only the first letter of each option,
so all options below can be represented by just typing the first letter,
e.g. -p for -pass_along.
- -pass_along
min_value max_value med_value
- The three pass along values of minimum, maximum and medium clone lengths
are given using this option. Lucy does not interpret these values;
they are used by some sequence assembly programs, such as TIGR
Assembler. These values are directly copied over to the output
sequence file. The default values are 0, 0, and 0.
- -range area1 area2
- This option is used in combination with the following option
-alignment. It defines the three splice site checking areas which
may need different strengths of splice site alignment. The quality of the
base calls is usually poor at the beginning of a sequence but gradually
improves when moving into the sequence read. Therefore, when looking for
splice sites, stronger and stronger alignment measurements are needed to
cope with the quality change. The default range values are 40, 60 and 100,
i.e., lucy will check for splice sites at the first 200 DNA bases.
If splice site is not found at the first 200 bases, the next 100 (=area3)
bases will be checked, with a total checking length of 300. Once a splice
site is found, the rest of the sequence after the splice site is searched
for the other end of the splice site, if any, to guard against short
- -alignment area1
area2 area3
- This option is used in combination with the previous option. It defines
the three different alignment strengths for the three areas. An alignment
within each area must be equal or longer than these values before it is
considered a match of the splice site. Default values are 8, 12 and 16 for
the first 40, 60 and 100 bases, respectively.
- -vector
vector_sequence_file splice_site_file
- This option provides the complete vector sequence file and a partial
splice site sequence file. Lucy expects to see one single (probably
long) sequence of the vector that is used to do cloning in the vector
file, and two splice site sequences before and after
the insertion point on the vector in the splice site file. The splice site
sequences are usually 150 bases in length, with a 50 bases overlay right
around the vector insertion point. Their actual lengths are not very
critical. For example, the followings are the PUC18 splice site sequences
that can be used by lucy:
With two splice site sequences as above, lucy assumes
all sequences from the input files are read in the same direction as the
splice site sequences. If that is not true and the input consists of
sequences from both forward and reverse reads of a clone, there are two
options. One can either separate the sequences into forward and reverse
read sets and run them through lucy with correct splice site
sequences. One can also run lucy with a combined splice site file
with both the forward and reverse splice site sequence pairs.
That is, if lucy sees four splice site sequences, it will assume
that a bidirectional splice site trimming has been ordered. For
example, the following reverse PUC18 splice site sequences can be
appended to the forward splice sequences above to instruct lucy
to do bidirectional trimmings:
Bidirectional trimmings will run about two times slower
because each sequence is compared against two sets of splice site
sequences when only one set is actually needed. It is possible that
random alignments with the other (unneeded) set will result in somehow a
shortened good quality region of a sequence. However, bidirectional
trimmings can guarantee that there are no vector fragments in the good
quality region even when the assumed direction of some sequence reads is
During phase 6 contaminant removal, lucy will
automatically reverse complement the full length vector sequence and
check for both its forward and reverse inserts, so only one vector
sequence is needed in the vector file. Lucy can also get the
vector and splice site file names from the environment variables
VECTOR_FILE and SPLICE_FILE, if they are not given at the
command line.
- -cdna [minimum_span
maximum_error initial_search_range]
- Since the release of lucy, many people have requested that a
poly-A/T trimming feature be built into lucy for the convenience of
people doing cDNA sequencing. This option is added for that purpose. By
default lucy will not do this step, unless this option is given.
This option can be given alone without any parameter, in that case the
default values will be used, or it can be given with all three
parameters. The minimum_span defines the minimum length of
continuous poly-A or T before lucy believes that it has
found them. The maximum_error denotes the maximum number of errors
allowed before a new continuous poly-A/T region stops. If mismatch error
count goes beyond maximum_error, then lucy believes that it has
reached the end of the poly-A/T tail/head. Note that each new continuous
poly-A/T region that is more than minimum_span long will reset the error
counter to zero, therefore an interleaving number of maximum_error
followed by minimum_span can keep the poly-A/T region expanding. The last
parameter initial_search_range denotes the range from the ends of a
sequence within which a minimum_span number of continuous poly-A/T's have
to be found, otherwise lucy believes that it cannot find poly-A/T
regions for the sequence. Note that the ends of the sequence are related
to the clear region after vector splice sites trimming, not to the
actual physical ends of the sequence. The default values of the three
parameter are minimum_span=10, maximum_error=3 and
initial_search_range=50. Warning: these three parameters have to be
set carefully in order to avoid throwing good sequences away in the middle
of a sequence, or to let poly-A/T regions slip by at the ends of a
- -keep
- When -cdna option is turned on, lucy will trim all poly-A/T
fragments it finds. This is good for EST clustering purposes, where you
don't want the poly-A/T fragments to stay. However, if you want to see the
EST sequence in its entirety to know its direction, it is not helpful to
trim poly-A/T away. The -keep option, when used in combination with
the -cdna option, will preserve the poly-A/T tails/heads at ends of
each EST sequence to keep them as tags indicating the direction of the EST
- -size
- This option is used in combination with the following option. It defines
the size of fragments for checking vector using the fragment matching
algorithm. The default value is 10 bases. The range of acceptable values
are 8 to 16.
- -threshold
- The option is used in combination with the previous option. It defines the
threshold of similarity between a sequence and the vector for it to be
considered a vector insert. Since splice sites are not included in vector
screening, any sequence which has a higher than normal similarity to the
vector sequence will be considered a vector itself and discarded. The
default value of cutoff is 20% of the good quality region.
- -minimum
- After all kinds of checking, comparing and trimming, the good region of a
sequence must still be long enough than the minimum length for it to be
considered useful to the sequence assembly program. We do not want our
sequence assembly program to be bothered by many small, trashy fragments.
The default minimum good sequence length is 100 bases.
- -debug
- This option, if given, tells lucy to produce a sequence cleavage
information file for reference or for updating the database. The default
file name is "lucy.debug", which can be overridden by the given
file name.
- -output
sequence_filename quality_filename
- This option defines the output sequence and quality file names. If not
given, the default file names lucy uses are "lucy.seq"
and "lucy.qul".
- -error max_avg_error
- There are three main steps in the quality trimming performed by
lucy. The first involves removing low-quality bases from each end
of the sequence, using the criteria specified by the -bracket
option. The second involves finding regions of the sequence where the
probability of error meets all of the criteria specified by the
-window option. After these regions are found, the third step is to
trim each of them to the largest region having an average probability of
error no greater than the max_avg_error specified by the -error
option. Finally, the largest region meeting all of the criteria is chosen
as the final "clean" range.
Two parameters are specified with this option: max_avg_error
is the maximum acceptable average probability of error over the final
clean range. max_error_at_ends is the maximum probability of error that
is allowed for the 2 bases at each end of the final clean range. The
defaults are 0.025 and 0.02, respectively, if -error is not
Note: A base's estimated probability of error is calculated
from the quality value that is assigned by the base caller. The quality
value (Q) is defined as:
Q = -10 * log10(Probability of error)
- -window window_size
max_avg_error [window_size max_avg_error ...]
This option affects the quality trimming of the sequence (see the
description of the -error option, above). It specifies one or more
window sizes, and a maximum allowable average probability of error for
each of those window sizes. If more than one window size is specified,
they must be specified in decreasing order by window size. The maximum
number of windows that may be specified is 20.
Lucy uses a sliding window algorithm to find regions of
the sequence within which the average probability of error, within any
window of the specified size, is no greater than the specified
max_avg_error. Regions which meet all of the specified window criteria
are then trimmed again using the criteria specified by the -error
option, and the final "clean" range is the largest region that
meets all of the criteria.
If the -window option is not specified, then
lucy uses 2 windows by default, of 50 and 10 bases. The default
maximum allowable probabilities of error in the two windows are listed
50-base window: 0.08
10-base window: 0.3
- -bracket window_size
- This option controls the initial quality trimming step, which is the
removal of low-quality bases from both ends of the sequence. lucy
looks for the first and last window of size window_size having an average
probability of error no greater than max_avg_error. The subsequence which
extends from the first base of the first such window to the last base of
the last window is then examined further to find the clean range. Bases
which precede the first window or follow the last window are excluded from
the clean range (so the two terminal windows bracket the clean range).
The defaults for window_size and max_avg_error are 10 and
- -quiet
- Tells lucy to shut up and only report serious errors it finds.
- -inform_me
- Asks lucy to report sequences by names that have been thrown out
due to low quality values, or salvaged due to comparison to the 2nd
sequence file.
- -xtra
If you have multiple CPUs in your computer, you can dramatically increase
lucy's speed by allowing lucy to run multiple execution threads
concurrently. For example, if you have a dual-CPU computer, you can give
the option -xtra 2 to cut lucy's execution time roughly in half. By
default, lucy will run just one thread if this option is not given. The
maximum number of allowable threads is 32. Note that this option is only
available with the multi-threaded lucy version 1.16p. There is also a
1.16s version that does not do multi-threading.
The environment variable VECTOR_FILE defines the vector
file name, and the environment variable SPLICE_FILE defines the
splice site file name. Both variables are used when the user does not
specify them using the -vector option.
TIGR_Assembler(1), grim(1), everm.sp(1), phred(1), TraceTuner(1),
No known bugs for the program at this moment. Some of the manual
pages mentioned above do not exist.
The "no bugs" claim above can never be true. This is a
new program built mostly from scratch, and there must be bugs somewhere,
somehow. Please direct all bug reports to the authors.
Lucy stands for Less Useful Chunks Yank, an awkward
combination of words in order to make it a member of the family with phred,
the base caller, ethyl, the old scripting system lucy replaced, and ricky,
the database linking and communication driving software of lucy for use in
Lucy was written by Hui-Hsien Chou and Michael Holmes at
The Institute for Genomic Research, with help and suggestions from Granger
Sutton, Anna Glodek, John Scott, and Terry Shea. Michael Holmes is currently
responsible for lucy. Please direct any suggestions, bug reports,
etc. to