man(1) lpc21isp man page man(1)

lpc21isp - Is an in-circuit programming (ISP) tool for the NXP(Philips) microcontrollers

lpc21isp [[Options]] [file[ file[] [comport] [baudrate] [Oscillator_in_kHz]

lpc21isp [-bin] [-hex] [-term] [-termonly] [-localecho] [-detectonly] [-debug0] [-debug3] [-debug5] [-donotstart] [-try<n>] [-wipe] [-control] [-controlswap] [-controlinv] [-verify] [-logfile] [-halfduplex] [-ADARM] [-PHILIPSARM]

lpc21isp is an in-circuit programming (ISP) tool for the NXP(Philips) LPC1100/LPC1300/LPC1700/LPC2000 series ARM7/Cortex-M0/Cortex-M3 microcontrollers.

for uploading binary file
for uploading file in intel hex format (default)
for starting terminal after upload
for starting terminal without an upload
for local echo in terminal
detect only used LPC chiptype (PHILIPSARM only)
for no debug
for progress info only
for full debug
do not start MCU after download
try n times to synchronise
Erase entire device before upload
for controlling RS232 lines for easier booting (Reset = DTR, EnableBootLoader = RTS)
swap RS232 control lines (Reset = RTS, EnableBootLoader = DTR)
Invert state of RTS & DTR (0=true/assert/set, 1=false/deassert/clear).
Verify the data in Flash after every writes to sector. To detect errors in writing to Flash ROM
for enabling logging of terminal output to lpc21isp.log
use halfduplex serial communication (i.e. with K-Line)
for downloading to an Analog Devices ARM microcontroller ADUC70xx
for downloading to a microcontroller from NXP(Philips) LPC13xx/LPC17xx/LPC2000 family (default)
02 Aug 2012 1.9.4