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Logstalgia - a web server access log visualization tool
logstalgia [options] logfile
logstalgia is a visualization tool that replays or streams web server access logs as a retro arcade game simulation.
logstalgia's display is rendered using OpenGL and requires a 3D accelerated video card to run.
Logstalgia supports several standardized access.log formats used by web servers such as Apache and Nginx (see 'SUPPORTED LOG FORMATS' below).
As logstalgia is designed to playback logs in real time you will need a log from a fairly busy webserver to achieve interesting results (eg 100s of requests each minute).
On some platforms such as MacOS, the window resolution is specified in points instead of pixels. The --high-dpi flag may be required to access some higher resolutions.
E.g. requesting a high DPI 800x600 window may produce a window that is 1600x1200 pixels.
This will override the screen setting so don't specify both.
SEP=chars can specify a list of separator characters (e.g. /) to split on. The default separator is /.
MAX=n specifies the max depth into the path to be displayed. (e.g. MAX=1 would show only root directory names of paths). By default there is 0 (no limit).
ABBR=n specifies the minimum depth at which to allow partially abbreviated strings. The default is 0 (allow). -1 to disallow.
A colour may optionally be supplied in hexadecimal format (eg FF0000 for red) which will be applied to all labels and request balls matched to the group.
-g "HTML,URI=html?$,30"
-g "Lan,HOST=^192,30"
-g "Success,CODE=^[23],30"
If no groups are specified, the default groups are Images (image files), CSS (.css files) and Scripts (.js files).
If there is enough space remaining a catch-all group 'Misc' will appear as the last group.
vhost - separate paddle for each virtual host in the log file.
pid - separate paddle for each process id in the log file.
single - single paddle (the default).
path - the path of the resource requested
hostname - hostname or IP address
response_size - size of the response in bytes
response_code - response code
method - method
protocol - protocol
timestamp - timestamp of request
referrer - referrer URL of the request
user_agent - user agent
vhost - virtual host name
log_entry - full log entry
pid - the pid of the instance that handled the request
Separate multiple fields with commas (eg "path,hostname")
If a time zone offset isn't specified the local time zone is used.
Example accepted formats:
"2012-06-30 12:00"
"2012-06-30 12:00:00 +12"
Watch an example access.log using the default settings:
logstalgia /usr/share/logstalgia/example.log
Watch the live access.log, starting from the most recent batch of entries in the log (requires tail). Note than '-' at the end is required for logstalgia to know it needs to read from STDIN:
tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log | logstalgia -
To follow the log in real time, use the --sync option. This will start reading from the next entry received on STDIN:
tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log | logstalgia --sync
Watch a remote access.log via ssh:
ssh user@example.com tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log | logstalgia --sync
Logstalgia supports the following standardized log formats used by web servers like Apache and Nginx:
NCSA Common Log Format (CLF)
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"
NCSA Common Log Format with Virtual Host
"%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"
NCSA extended/combined log format
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\"
NCSA extended/combined log format with Virtual Host
"%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\"
The process id (%P), or some other identifier, may be included as an additional field at the end of the entry. This can be used with '--paddle-mode pid' where a separate paddle will be created for each unique value in this field.
Logstalgia now supports a pipe ('|') delimited custom log file format:
timestamp - unix timestamp of the request date. hostname - hostname of the request path - path requested response_code - the response code from the webserver (eg 200) response_size - the size of the response in bytes
The following are optional:
success - 1 or 0 to indicate if successful response_colour - response colour in hexidecial (#FFFFFF) format referrer url - the referrer url user agent - the user agent virtual host - the virtual host (to use with --paddle-mode vhost) pid - process id or some other identifier (--paddle-mode pid)
If success or response_colour are not provided, they will be derived from the response_code using the normal HTTP conventions (code < 400 = success).
See the guide on the homepage for examples of recording videos with Logstalgia:
The time shown in the top left of the screen is set initially from the first log entry read and is incremented according to the simulation speed (-s).
The counter in the bottom right hand corner shows the number of requests displayed since the start of the current session.
Pressing space at any time will pause/unpause the simulation. While paused you may use the mouse to inspect the detail of individual requests.
You can click on summarizer group entries on the left and right side of the screen to filter to requests matching that entry. Click on the filter description to remove the filter.
Interactive keyboard commands:
(q) Debug Information (c) Displays Logstalgia logo (n) Jump forward in time to next log entry. (+-) Adjust simulation speed. (<>) Adjust pitch speed. (F5) Reload config (F11) Window frame toggle (F12) Screenshot (Alt+Enter) Fullscreen toggle (Ctrl+S) Save config (Home/End) Adjust address summarizer maximum depth (Page Up/Down) Adjust group summarizer maximum depth (Ctrl+Home/End) Adjust address summarizer abbreviation depth (Ctrl+Page Up/Down) Adjust group summarizer abbreviation depth (ESC) Quit
Written by Andrew Caudwell Project Homepage: http://logstalgia.io
Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Caudwell (acaudwell@gmail.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Catalyst IT (catalyst.net.nz) For supporting the development and promotion of Logstalgia!