lamclean - Attempt to clean entire LAM system.

lamclean [-hv]

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Be verbose.

The lamclean command attempts to remove all user processes and messages from all nodes. It also de-allocates all user allocated resources and cancels all user process registrations. This happens by invoking many different remote services which have previously been invoked individually by several other commands. These commands should still be used when partial selective removal of user presence is desired. Otherwise, lamclean is a quick and convenient way of starting over after a bad application run without rebooting the system.

lamclean takes the following actions on the following system processes on all nodes:

The LAM SIGUDIE signal (terminate) is sent to all user processes. See doom(1).
The entire daemon is reset to its initial state after booting. See sweep(1).
All user file descriptors are closed. See fctl(1).
All traces are removed. See lamtrace(1).

lamclean will not succeed if any of the nodes are unreachable due to catastrophic failure or maximum buffer overflow with link jamming. If lamclean does not return, use lamwipe(1) and lamboot(1) to restart the multicomputer.

lamboot(1), lamwipe(1), sweep(1), doom(1), fctl(1), lamtrace(1)

July, 2007 LAM 7.1.4