korg2gig(1) | libgig tools | korg2gig(1) |
korg2gig - Convert sound files from KORG to GigaStudio format.
korg2gig [-v] [-f] [--interpret-names] FILE1 [ FILE2 ... ] NEWFILE
This tool takes a list of KORG sound files, used with KORG synthesizer keyboards like Trinity, Triton, OASYS, M3 or Kronos, and converts them to a Gigasampler/GigaStudio (.gig) file. All input KORG files are merged to a single (.gig) output file.
For each KORG "multi-sample" (.KMP) file a separate GigaStudio instrument will be created in the output (.gig) file. KORG Sample (.KSF) files referenced by such multi-sample (.KMP) files are automatically detected, loaded and written to the output (.gig) file as well. Assignments of samples to keyboard regions, sample loops and other minor articulation information are converted as well. But note, the multi-sample (.KMP) form is very primitive. It does NOT save the detailed articulation information of your KORG keyboard like envelopes, LFO and filter settings. Those information are stored in a separate program (.PCG) file.
Unfortunately there is no support for KORG's program/combinations/bank (.PCG) files yet. Have a look at option --interpret-names for a workaround. Because of this lack of support for .PCG files, you still have to adjust the articulation settings in the output (.gig) file afterwards with an instrument editor application like gigedit(1).
If you are explicitly passing KORG sample (.KSF) files as well, and they are not referenced by any "multi-sample" (.KMP) file you might have passed, then those orphaned samples are added to the output (.gig) file in a separate sample group called "Not referenced". That way you can easily distinguish samples in the output (.gig) file which are actually used by one of the instruments, and the samples that are not used yet.
NOTE: This tool might need quite a lot RAM at the moment. Approximately it will allocate as much RAM as the expected output .gig file will be in size. So make sure you have enough free RAM and/or swap space, otherwise this tool might crash if it cannot allocate the required RAM space.
korgdump(1), gigedit(1), rifftree(1), akaidump(1), gigdump(1), sf2dump(1), dlsdump(1)
Check and report bugs at http://bugs.linuxsampler.org
Application and manual page written by Christian Schoenebeck <cuse@users.sf.net>
10 May 2014 | libgig 4.3.0 |