kitty(1) | kitty | kitty(1) |
kitty - The fast, feature rich terminal emulator
kitty [options] [program-to-run ...]
Run the kitty terminal emulator. You can also specify the program to run inside kitty as normal arguments following the options. For example: kitty --hold sh -c "echo hello, world"
For comprehensive documentation for kitty, please see:
If this option is not specified, config files are searched for in the order: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kitty/kitty.conf, ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf, $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/kitty/kitty.conf. The first one that exists is used as the config file.
If the environment variable KITTY_CONFIG_DIRECTORY is specified, that directory is always used and the above searching does not happen.
If /etc/xdg/kitty/kitty.conf exists, it is merged before (i.e. with lower priority) than any user config files. It can be used to specify system-wide defaults for all users. You can use either - or /dev/stdin to read the config from STDIN.
kitty sh -c "kitty --replay-commands /path/to/dump/file; read"
kitty is capable of running multiple programs organized into tabs and windows. The top level of organization is the OS window. Each OS window consists of one or more tabs. Each tab consists of one or more kitty windows. The kitty windows can be arranged in multiple different layouts, like windows are organized in a tiling window manager. The keyboard controls (which are all customizable) for tabs and windows are:
Action | Shortcut |
Line up | ctrl+shift+up (also ⌥+⌘+⇞ and ⌘+↑ on macOS) |
Line down | ctrl+shift+down (also ⌥+⌘+⇟ and ⌘+↓ on macOS) |
Page up | ctrl+shift+page_up (also ⌘+⇞ on macOS) |
Page down | ctrl+shift+page_down (also ⌘+⇟ on macOS) |
Top | ctrl+shift+home (also ⌘+↖ on macOS) |
Bottom | ctrl+shift+end (also ⌘+↘ on macOS) |
Previous shell prompt | ctrl+shift+z (see Shell integration) |
Next shell prompt | ctrl+shift+x (see Shell integration) |
Browse scrollback in less | ctrl+shift+h |
Browse last cmd output | ctrl+shift+g (see Shell integration) |
The scroll actions only take effect when the terminal is in the main screen. When the alternate screen is active (for example when using a full screen program like an editor) the key events are instead passed to program running in the terminal.
Action | Shortcut |
New tab | ctrl+shift+t (also ⌘+t on macOS) |
Close tab | ctrl+shift+q (also ⌘+w on macOS) |
Next tab | ctrl+shift+right (also ⌃+⇥ and ⇧+⌘+] on macOS) |
Previous tab | ctrl+shift+left (also ⇧+⌃+⇥ and ⇧+⌘+[ on macOS) |
Next layout | ctrl+shift+l |
Move tab forward | ctrl+shift+. |
Move tab backward | ctrl+shift+, |
Set tab title | ctrl+shift+alt+t (also ⇧+⌘+i on macOS) |
Action | Shortcut |
New window | ctrl+shift+enter (also ⌘+↩ on macOS) |
New OS window | ctrl+shift+n (also ⌘+n on macOS) |
Close window | ctrl+shift+w (also ⇧+⌘+d on macOS) |
Resize window | ctrl+shift+r (also ⌘+r on macOS) |
Next window | ctrl+shift+] |
Previous window | ctrl+shift+[ |
Move window forward | ctrl+shift+f |
Move window backward | ctrl+shift+b |
Move window to top | ctrl+shift+` |
Visually focus window | ctrl+shift+f7 |
Visually swap window | ctrl+shift+f8 |
Focus specific window | ctrl+shift+1, ctrl+shift+2 ... ctrl+shift+0 (also ⌘+1, ⌘+2 ... ⌘+9 on macOS) (clockwise from the top-left) |
Additionally, you can define shortcuts in kitty.conf to focus neighboring windows and move windows around (similar to window movement in vim):
map ctrl+left neighboring_window left map shift+left move_window right map ctrl+down neighboring_window down map shift+down move_window up ...
You can also define a shortcut to switch to the previously active window:
map ctrl+p nth_window -1
nth_window will focus the nth window for positive numbers (starting from zero) and the previously active windows for negative numbers.
To switch to the nth OS window, you can define nth_os_window. Only positive numbers are accepted, starting from one.
You can define shortcuts to detach the current window and move it to another tab or another OS window:
# moves the window into a new OS window map ctrl+f2 detach_window # moves the window into a new tab map ctrl+f3 detach_window new-tab # moves the window into the previously active tab map ctrl+f3 detach_window tab-prev # moves the window into the tab at the left of the active tab map ctrl+f3 detach_window tab-left # asks which tab to move the window into map ctrl+f4 detach_window ask
Similarly, you can detach the current tab, with:
# moves the tab into a new OS window map ctrl+f2 detach_tab # asks which OS Window to move the tab into map ctrl+f4 detach_tab ask
Finally, you can define a shortcut to close all windows in a tab other than the currently active window:
map f9 close_other_windows_in_tab
The full list of actions that can be mapped to key presses is available here. To learn how to do more sophisticated keyboard mappings, such as modal mappings, per application mappings, etc. see Making your keyboard dance.
Action | Shortcut |
Show this help | ctrl+shift+f1 |
Copy to clipboard | ctrl+shift+c (also ⌘+c on macOS) |
Paste from clipboard | ctrl+shift+v (also ⌘+v on macOS) |
Paste from selection | ctrl+shift+s |
Pass selection to program | ctrl+shift+o |
Increase font size | ctrl+shift+equal (also ⌘++ on macOS) |
Decrease font size | ctrl+shift+minus (also ⌘+- on macOS) |
Restore font size | ctrl+shift+backspace (also ⌘+0 on macOS) |
Toggle fullscreen | ctrl+shift+f11 (also ⌃+⌘+f on macOS) |
Toggle maximized | ctrl+shift+f10 |
Input Unicode character | ctrl+shift+u (also ⌃+⌘+space on macOS) |
Open URL in web browser | ctrl+shift+e |
Reset the terminal | ctrl+shift+delete (also ⌥+⌘+r on macOS) |
Edit kitty.conf | ctrl+shift+f2 (also ⌘+, on macOS) |
Reload kitty.conf | ctrl+shift+f5 (also ⌃+⌘+, on macOS) |
Debug kitty.conf | ctrl+shift+f6 (also ⌥+⌘+, on macOS) |
Open a kitty shell | ctrl+shift+escape |
Increase background opacity | ctrl+shift+a>m |
Decrease background opacity | ctrl+shift+a>l |
Full background opacity | ctrl+shift+a>1 |
Reset background opacity | ctrl+shift+a>d |
See kitty.conf(5)
Kovid Goyal
2024, Kovid Goyal
November 11, 2024 | 0.32.2 |