js_of_ocaml-build-runtime - Build standalone runtime. Used for
separate compilation.
js_of_ocaml build-runtime [OPTION]…
Js_of_ocaml is a compiler from OCaml bytecode to Javascript. It
makes it possible to run pure OCaml programs in JavaScript environments like
web browsers and Node.js.
- --nocmis, --no-cmis
- Do not include cmis when compiling toplevel.
- --toplevel
- Compile a toplevel and embed necessary cmis (unless '--no-cmis' is
provided). Exported compilation units can be configured with '--export'.
Note you you'll also need to link against js_of_ocaml-toplevel.
- --extern-fs
- Configure pseudo-filesystem to allow registering files from outside.
- --file=FILE
- Register [FILE] to the pseudo filesystem.
- -I DIR
- Add [DIR] to the list of include directories.
- --no-extern-fs
- Configure pseudo-filesystem to NOT allow registering files from
- --ofs=FILE
- Output the filesystem to [FILE].
- Link JavaScript files [JS_FILES]. One can refer to path relative to
Findlib packages with the syntax '+pkg_name/file.js'
- --custom-header=VAL
- Provide a custom header for the generated JavaScript file, useful for
making the script an executable file with #!/usr/bin/env node
- --debug=SECTION
- enable debug [SECTION].
- --debuginfo, --debug-info
- Output debug information.
- --disable=OPT
- Disable optimization [OPT].
- --enable=OPT
- Enable optimization [OPT].
- --no-sourcemap, --no-source-map
- Don't generate source map. All other source map related flags will be be
- --noinline, --no-inline
- Disable inlining.
- --noruntime, --no-runtime
- Do not include the standard runtime.
- -o FILE (required)
- Set output file name to [FILE].
- --pretty
- Pretty print the output.
- -q, --quiet
- suppress non-error messages.
- Set compiler options.
- --setenv=PARAM=VALUE
- Set environment variable statically.
- --source-map-inline
- Inline sourcemap in the generated JavaScript.
- --source-map-no-source
- Do not inline sources in source map.
- --source-map-root=VAL
- root dir for source map.
- --sourcemap, --source-map
- Generate source map.
- --target-env={isomorphic,browser,nodejs}
- Runtime compile target.
- --Werror
- turn all warnings into errors.
- --wrap-with-fun=VAL (absent=<Immediately Invoked
Function Expression>)
- Wrap the generated JavaScript code inside a function that needs to be
applied with the global object.
- --help[=FMT] (default=auto)
- Show this help in format FMT. The value FMT must be one of
auto, pager, groff or plain. With auto,
the format is pager or plain whenever the TERM env
var is dumb or undefined.
- --version
- Show version information.
js_of_ocaml build-runtime exits with:
- 0
- on success.
- 123
- on indiscriminate errors reported on standard error.
- 124
- on command line parsing errors.
- 125
- on unexpected internal errors (bugs).
Bugs are tracked on github at
Jerome Vouillon, Hugo Heuzard.
Copyright (C) 2010-2020.
js_of_ocaml is free software, you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.