jose-util - A command-line utility for dealing with JOSE
jose-util [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
go-jose aims to provide an implementation of the Javascript Object
Signing and Encryption set of standards. This includes support for JSON Web
Encryption, JSON Web Signature, and JSON Web Token standards.
- --help
- Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
- --key=KEY
- Path to key file (if applicable, PEM, DER or JWK format)
- --in=IN
- Path to input file (if applicable, stdin if missing)
- --out=OUT
- Path to output file (if applicable, stdout if missing)
- --version
- Show application version.
- encrypt
- --alg=ALG --enc=ENC [<flags>] Encrypt a plaintext,
output ciphertext
- --alg=ALG
- Key management algorithm (e.g. RSA-OAEP)
- --enc=ENC
- Content encryption algorithm (e.g. A128GCM)
- --full
- Use JSON Serialization format (instead of compact)
- decrypt
- Decrypt a ciphertext, output plaintext
- sign
- --alg=ALG [<flags>] Sign a payload, output signed
- --alg=ALG
- Key management algorithm (e.g. RSA-OAEP)
- --full
- Use JSON Serialization format (instead of compact)
- verify
- Verify a signed message, output payload
- expand
- [<flags>] Expand JOSE object to JSON Serialization format
- --format=FORMAT
- Type of message to expand (JWS or JWE, defaults to JWE)
- b64decode
- Decode a base64-encoded payload (auto-selects standard/url-safe)
generate-key --use=USE --alg=ALG [<flags>] Generate a
public/private key pair in JWK format
- --use=USE
- Desired public key usage (use header), one of [enc sig]
- --alg=ALG
- Desired key pair algorithm (alg header)
- --size=SIZE
- Key size in bits (e.g. 2048 if generating an RSA key)
- --kid=KID
- Optional Key ID (kid header, generate random kid if not set)
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This manual page was written by Bo YU <>
for the Debian project