JIRB1.3(1) General Commands Manual JIRB1.3(1)

jirb1.3 - interactive JRuby

jirb [options]

irb stands for `interactive JRuby'. irb is a tool to execute interactively JRuby expressions read from stdin. Use of jirb is easy if you know JRuby. Executing jirb, prompts are displayed as follows. Then, enter expression of ruby. Input is executed when it is syntacticaly completed.

    $ jirb1.3
    irb(main):001:0> 1+2
    irb(main):002:0> class Foo
    irb(main):003:1>  def foo
    irb(main):004:2>    print 1
    irb(main):005:2>  end
    irb(main):006:1> end

And, Readline extension module can be used with irb. Using Readline is the standard default action if Readline is installed.

suppress read ~/.irbrc

bc mode (fraction or matrix are available)

set $DEBUG to true (same as `ruby -d')

-r load-module
same as `ruby -r'

uses `inspect' for output (the default except bc mode)

doesn't uses inspect for output

uses Readline extension module

doesn't use Readline extension module

--prompt prompt-mode

--prompt-mode prompt-mode
switches prompt mode. Pre-defined prompt modes are `default', `simple', `xmp' and `inf-ruby'

uses prompt appreciate for inf-ruby-mode on emacs. Suppresses --readline.

simple prompt mode

no prompt

display trace for each execution of commands.

--back-trace-limit n
displays backtrace top n and tail n. The default value is 16.

--irb_debug n
sets internal debug level to n (It shouldn't be used)

-v, --version
prints the version of irb

jirb reads `~/.irbrc' when it is invoked. If `~/.irbrc' doesn't exist jirb try to read in the order `.irbrc', `irb.rc', `_irbrc' then `$irbrc'. The following is alternative to the command line option. To use them type as follows in a jirb session.

    IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = nil
    IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = false
    IRB.conf[:USE_READLINE] = nil
    IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER] = false
    IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT] = true
    IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF] = false
    IRB.conf[:PROMPT] = {...}

To customize the prompt you set a variable


For example, describe as follows in `.irbrc'.

    IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:MY_PROMPT] = { # name of prompt mode
      :PROMPT_I => nil,		  # normal prompt
      :PROMPT_S => nil,		  # prompt for continuated strings
      :PROMPT_C => nil,		  # prompt for continuated statement
      :RETURN => "    ==>%s\n"	  # format to return value

Then, invoke irb with the above prompt mode by

    $ jirb1.3 --prompt my-prompt

Or add the following in `.irbrc'.


Constants PROMPT_I, PROMPT_S and PROMPT_C specifies the format. In the prompt specification, some special strings are available.

    %N	command name which is running
    %m	to_s of main object (self)
    %M	inspect of main object (self)
    %l	type of string(", ', /, ]), `]' is inner %w[...]
    %NNi	indent level. NN is degits and means as same as printf("%NNd").
          It can be omitted
    %NNn	line number.
    %%    %
For instance, the default prompt mode is defined as follows: IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE][:DEFAULT] = {

PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ",

PROMPT_S => "%N(%m):%03n:%i%l ",

PROMPT_C => "%N(%m):%03n:%i* ",

RETURN => "%s\n"}
RETURN is used to printf.

The command line option or IRB.conf specify the default behavior of (sub)irb. On the other hand, each conf of in the next sction `6. Command' is used to individually configure (sub)irb. If proc is set to IRB.conf[:IRB_RC], its subirb will be invoked after execution of that proc under giving the context of irb as its argument. By this mechanism each subirb can be configured.

For irb commands, both simple name and `irb_'-prefixed name are prepared.

exit, quit, irb_exit
Quits (sub)irb. if you've done cb (see below), exit from the binding mode.

conf, irb_context
Displays current configuration. Modifying the configuration is achieved by sending message to `conf'.

Sets display lines of backtrace as top n and tail n. The default value is 16.

conf.debug_level = N
Sets debug level of irb.

conf.ignore_eof = true/false
Whether ^D (control-d) will be ignored or not. If false is set, ^D means quit.

conf.ignore_sigint= true/false
Whether ^C (control-c) will be ignored or not. If false is set, ^D means quit. If true,
    during input:   cancel inputing then return to top level.
    during execute: abondon current execution.

conf.inf_ruby_mode = true/false
Whether inf-ruby-mode or not. The default value is false.

conf.inspect_mode = true/false/nil
Specifies inspect mode. true: display inspect false: display to_s nil: inspect mode in non math mode,
    non inspect mode in math mode.

The level of cb.

Whether bc mode or not.

conf.use_loader = true/false
Whether irb's own file reader method is used when load/require or not. This mode is globaly affected (irb wide).

prompt for a continuating statement (e.g, immediately after of `if')

standard prompt

prompt for a continuating string

Whether ~/.irbrc is read or not.

conf.use_prompt = true/false
Prompting or not.

conf.use_readline = true/false/nil
Whether readline is used or not. true: uses false: doesn't use nil: intends to use readline except for inf-reuby-mode (default)

Whether verbose messages are display or not.

cb, irb_change_binding [obj]
Enter new binding which has a distinct scope of local variables. If obj is given, obj will be self.

irb [obj]
Invoke subirb. If obj is given, obj will be self.

jobs, irb_jobs
List of subirb

fg n, irb_fg n
Switch into specified subirb. The following is candidates of n:
    irb number
    irb object
    self(obj which is specified of irb obj)

kill n, irb_kill n
Kill subirb. The means of n is as same as the case of irb_fg.

The latest value of evaluation (it is local)

    $ jirb1.3
    irb(main):001:0> irb                        # invoke subirb
    irb#1(main):001:0> jobs                     # list of subirbs
    #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : stop)
    #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : running)
    irb#1(main):002:0> fg 0                     # switch job
    irb(main):002:0> class Foo;end
    irb(main):003:0> irb Foo                    # invoke subirb which has the
    #              context of Foo
    irb#2(Foo):001:0> def foo                   # define Foo#foo
    irb#2(Foo):002:1>   print 1
    irb#2(Foo):003:1> end
    irb#2(Foo):004:0> fg 0                      # switch job
    irb(main):004:0> jobs                       # list of job
    #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : running)
    #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : stop)
    #2->irb#2 on Foo (#<Thread:0x4011d54c> : stop)
    irb(main):005:0> Foo.instance_methods       # Foo#foo is defined asurely
    irb(main):006:0> fg 2                       # switch job
    irb#2(Foo):005:0> def bar                   # define Foo#bar
    irb#2(Foo):006:1>  print "bar"
    irb#2(Foo):007:1> end
    irb#2(Foo):010:0>  Foo.instance_methods
    ["bar", "foo"]
    irb#2(Foo):011:0> fg 0
    irb(main):007:0> f = Foo.new
    irb(main):008:0> irb f                      # invoke subirb which has the
    #  context of f (instance of Foo)
    irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):001:0> jobs
    #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : stop)
    #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : stop)
    #2->irb#2 on Foo (#<Thread:0x4011d54c> : stop)
    #3->irb#3 on #<Foo:0x4010af3c> (#<Thread:0x4010a1e0> : running)
    irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):002:0> foo         # evaluate f.foo
    irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):003:0> bar         # evaluate f.bar
    irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):004:0> kill 1, 2, 3# kill job
    irb(main):009:0> jobs
    #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : running)
    irb(main):010:0> exit                       # exit

Because irb evaluates the inputs immediately after the input is syntactically completed, irb gives slight different results than directly using ruby. Known differences are pointed out here.

The following causes an error in ruby:

    eval "foo = 0"
    -:2: undefined local variable or method `foo' for #<Object:0x40283118> (NameError)

Though, the above will successfully done by irb.

    >> eval "foo = 0"
    => 0
    >> foo
    => 0

Ruby evaluates a code after reading entire of code and determination of the scope of local variables. On the other hand, irb do immediately. More precisely, irb evaluate at first

    evel "foo = 0"

then foo is defined on this timing. It is because of this incompatibility. If you'd like to detect those differences, begin...end can be used:

    >> begin
    ?>   eval "foo = 0"
    >>   foo
    >> end
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo' for #<Object:0x4013d0f0>
    (irb_local_binding):1:in `eval'

Implementation of Here-document is incomplete.

Irb can not always recognize a symbol as to be Symbol. Concretely, an expression have completed, however Irb regard it as continuation line.

April 2007