jgmenu - A simple X11 menu
jgmenu [--no-spawn] [--checkout=<tag>] [--config-file=<file>]
[--at-pointer] [--hide-on-startup]
[--vsimple] [--csv-file=<file>]
Use these commands to get started
- Launch menu
- Create config file ~/.config/jgmenu/jgmenurc
- Interactive setup
- man
- Step-by-step tutorial
jgmenu is a simple menu for Linux/BSD. It reads CSV menu data from
a file and generates a graphical menu on an X11 window.
Each line of CSV menu data is parsed into the following fields
using comma as a field separator:
- (1)
- description
- (2)
- command
- (3)
- icon
- (4)
- working directory
- (5)
- metadata
- (6)
- execute without “sh -c” wrapper
For example:
printf "Terminal,xterm\\nWeb Browser,firefox" | jgmenu --vsimple
- #
- Ignore line
- .
- A line beginning with a dot followed by a space, will source the file
specified by the string following the dot
- @
- Treat as widget
- ,
- As commas are used as field separators, individual fields can only contain
commas if they are triple quoted. For example:
foo,""“^pipe(find . -printf `%f,display
- < > &
- The description field is parsed as pango markup, so <, >, and &
need to be escaped as <, >, and & respectively.
The syntax ^foo(bar) is used to carry out action foo with argument
bar. We refer to bar as the inner value.
The following markup is supported in the description field
- sep()
- Define a separator. If an inner value is provided, the separator will
appear as a title. If no inner value is provided, the separator will
simply be a horizontal line
The following markup is supported in the command field
- ^tag()
- Define the beginning of a new menu structure node.
The lines following ^tag(whatever) will not show in the top level
menu, but can be opened by using ^checkout() or ^root().
- ^checkout()
- Open the tag specified by the inner value as a submenu in a new
- ^root()
- Open the tag specified by the inner value in the root window, replacing
the current menu
- ^sub()
- Draw a submenu arrow. This can be useful for creating submenus with
stay_alive=0. For example:
submenu1,^sub(echo "item1.0" | jgmenu --simple)
- ^back()
- Check-out parent menu
- ^term()
- Run program in terminal
- ^pipe()
- Execute sub-process and checkout a menu based on its stdout.
- ^filter()
- Invoke search
- ^quit()
- Quit
Icons will be displayed if the third field is populated, for
- --no-spawn
- Redirect command to stdout rather than execute it.
- --checkout=<tag>
- Checkout submenu on startup.
- --config-file=<file>
- Read config file.
- --icon-size=<size>
- Specify icon size (22 by default). If set to 0, icons will not be
- --at-pointer
- Launch menu at mouse pointer.
- --hide-on-startup
- Start menu is hidden state.
- --simple
- Ignore tint2 settings; Run in short-lived mode (i.e. exit after
mouse click or enter/escape); read menu items from stdin.
- --vsimple
- Same as --simple, but also disables icons and ignores jgmenurc.
- --csv-file=<file>
- Specify menu file (in jgmenu flavoured CSV format). If file cannot be
opened, input is reverted to stdin.
- --csv-cmd=<command>
- Specify command to produce menu data, for example jgmenu_run pmenu
- --die-when-loaded
- Open menu and then exit(0). Useful for debugging and testing.
- --center
- Center align menu horizontally and vertically.
- --persistent
- Same as the persistent config option. See config option section below for
- Up,
- Select previous/next item
- Left.
- Move to parent/sub menu
- PgUp,
- Scroll up/down
- Home,
- Select first/last item
- Enter
- Select an item or open a submenu
- F5
- Restart
- F8
- Print node tree to stderr
- F9
- exit(1)
- F10
- exit(0)
- Backspace
- Return to parent menu
Type any string to invoke a search. Words separated by space will
be searched for using OR logic (i.e. the match of either word is
sufficient to display an item).
Lines beginning with `@' in jgmenu flavoured CSV files are parsed
in accordance with the following syntax:
- type
- The widget type, which can be one of the following:
- rect
- Rectangle with a 1px thick border drawn using fgcol
- search
- Search box showing the current filter (what the user has typed) or the
specified text if no filter has been invoked.
- icon
- Icon
- action
- The action to take when selected. This can either be a shell command or a
menu action such ^root().
- x,
- Horizontal and vertical margin of widget
- w,
- Width and height of widget
- r
- Corner radius
- fgcol,
- Foreground and background colours using syntax rrggbb #aa fgcol accepts
auto to use the jgmenurc’s color_norm_fg
- content
- icon_path for icon widgets text for all other widget types
- halign,
- Horizontal and vertical alignment of widget. This has not yet been
implemented, but defaults to top and left
If no file is specified using the –config-file= option, the
XDG Base Directory Specification is adhered to. I.e:
- •
- Global config in ${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS:-/etc/xdg}
- •
- User config override in ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}
For most users ~/.config/jgmenu/jgmenurc is appropriate.
Global config variables are set in the following order
(i.e. bottom of list has higher precedence):
- •
- built-in defaults (config.c)
- •
- tint2rc config file (can be specified by TINT2_CONFIG environment
- •
- jgmenurc config file (can be specified by –config-file=)
- •
- command line arguments
Lines beginning with # are ignored.
All other lines are recognised as setting variables in the
key = value
White spaces are mostly ignored.
Unless otherwise specified, values as treated as simple
Here follow some specific types:
- boolean
- When a variable takes a boolean value, only 0 and 1 are accepted. 0 means
false; 1 means true.
- integer
- When a variable takes an integer value, only numerical values are
accepted. The only valid characters are digits (0-9) and minus-sign. All
integer variables relating to geometry and position are interpreted as
pixel values unless otherwise specified.
- color
- When a variable takes a color value, only the syntax #rrggbb aaa is
recognised, where rr, gg and bb represent hexadecimal values (00-ff) for
the colours red, green and blue respectively; and aaa stands for the alpha
channel value expressed as a percentage (0-100) (i.e. 100 means no
transparency and 0 means fully transparent.) For example #ff0000 100
represents red with no transparency, whereas #000088 50 means dark blue
with 50% transparency.
- pathname
- When a variable takes a pathname value, it is evaluated as a string. If
the first character is tilde (~), it will be replaced by the the
environment variable $HOME just as a shell would expand it.
- verbosity
= integer (default 0)
- General verbosity: (0) warnings only; (1) basic info; (2) more info; (3)
max info
Additional specific topics: (4) IPC
Note: Some IPC messages need environment variable
- stay_alive
= boolean (default 1)
- If set to 1, the menu will “hide” rather than
“exit” when the following events occur: clicking on menu
item; clicking outside the menu; pressing escape. When in the hidden mode,
a USR1 signal will “un-hide” the menu.
- persistent
= boolean (default 0)
- If set to 1, the menu will not exit nor hide when the following events
occur: clicking on menu item; clicking outside the menu; pressing escape.
Use in conjunction with the ^quit() markup.
- hide_on_startup
= boolean (default 0)
- If set to 1, jgmenu start in “hidden” mode. This is useful
for starting jgmenu during the boot process and then sending a killall
-SIGUSR1 jgmenu to show the menu.
- csv_cmd
= string (default
- Defines the command to produce the jgmenu flavoured CSV for jgmenu.
Accpetable keyword include apps, pmenu, lx, and ob. If a value is given
other than these keywords, it will be executed in a shell (so be
careful!). If left blank, jgmenu will read from stdin. Examples:
csv_cmd = lx
csv_cmd = jgmenu_run lx --no-dirs
csv_cmd = cat ~/mymenu.csv
- tint2_look
= boolean (default 0)
- Read tint2rc and parse config options for colours, dimensions and
- position_mode
= (fixed | ipc | pointer | center) (default fixed)
- Define menu positioning mode.
- fixed
- Align to margin_{x,y} and respect _NET_WORKAREA.
- ipc
- Use IPC to read environment variables set by panel. See Inter-Process
Communication for further info.
- pointer
- Launch at pointer whilst respecting both _NET_WORKAREA and
- center
- Launch at center of screen and ignore _NET_WORKAREA. Take precedence over
- edge_snap_x
= integer (default 30)
- Specify the distance (in pixels) from the left hand edge, within which the
menu will snap to the edge. Note that this only applies in at_pointer
- terminal_exec
= string (default x-terminal-emulator)
- Define terminal to use for commands with ^term() markup
- terminal_args
= string (default -e)
- The values of these two variables are used to build a string to launch
programs requiring a terminal to run. With the default values, the string
would become: x-terminal-emulator -e 'some_command with arguments'.
terminal_args must finish with -e or equivalent, where -e refers to the
meaning of -e in xterm -e.
- monitor
= integer (default 0)
- Specify a particular monitor as an index starting from 1. If 0, the menu
will be launched on the monitor where the mouse is.
- hover_delay
= integer (default 100)
- Time (in milliseconds) from hovering over an item until a submenu is
- hide_back_items
= boolean (default 1)
- If enabled, all ^back() items will be suppressed. As a general rule, it
should be set to 1 for a multi-window menu, and 0 when in single-window
- columns
= integer (default 1)
- Number of columns in which to show menu items
- tabs
= integer (default 120)
- Specify the position is pixels of the first tab
- Distance between the menu (=X11 window) and the edge of the screen. See
note on _NET_WORKAREA under menu_{v,h}align variables.
- Vertical equilvalent of menu_margin_x
- Minimum menu width of the menu. The menu width will adjust to the longest
item in the current (sub)menu. If a filter is applied (e.g. by the
user typing) the menu width will not adjust.
- Set the minimum height of the root menu. If menu_height_min and
menu_height_max these are set to the same value, the menu height will be
fixed at that value. If set to zero, they will be ignored.
- Minimum height of the root menu. See menu_height_min
- Mode of menu height
- static
- Height of the initial root menu will be used for any subsequent ^root()
- dynamic
- Root menu height will be re-calculated every time a new tag is opened
using ^root().
- Distance between top border and item/widget
- Distance between right border and item/widget
- Distance between bottom border and item/widget
- Distance between left border and item/widget
- Radius of rounded corners of menu
- Thickness of menu border
- Horizontal alignment of menu. If not set, jgmenu will try to guess the
alignment reading _NET_WORKAREA, which is a freedesktop EWMH root window
property. Not all Window Managers and Panels respect _NET_WORKAREA. The
following do: openbox, xfwm4, tint2 and polybar. The following do NOT:
awesome, i3, bspwm and plank
- Vertical alignment of menu. See menu_halign.
- Start position of menu window gradient. The end position is at the
opposite side or corner. Colors color_menu_bg and color_menu_bg_to specify
the start (from) and finish (to).
- sub_spacing
= integer (default 1)
- Horizontal space between windows. A negative value results in each submenu
window overlapping its parent window.
- sub_padding_top
= integer (default auto)
- Same as menu_padding_top but applies to submenu windows only. It
understands the keyword auto which means that the smallest of the four
menu_padding_* variables will be used.
- sub_padding_right
= integer (default auto)
- See sub_padding_top
- sub_padding_bottom
= integer (default auto)
- See sub_padding_top
- sub_padding_left
= integer (default auto)
- See sub_padding_top
- sub_hover_action
= integer (default 1)
- Open submenu when hovering over item (only works in multi-window
- item_margin_x
= integer (default 3)
- Horizontal distance between items and the edge of the menu.
- item_margin_y
= integer (default 3)
- Vertical distance between items and the edge of the menu.
- item_height
= integer (default 25)
- Height of menu items.
- item_padding_x
= integer (default 4)
- Horizontal distance between item edge and its content (e.g. text or
- item_radius
= integer (default 1)
- Radius of rounded corners of items
- item_border
= integer (default 0)
- Thickness of item border
- item_halign
= (left | right) (default left)
- Horizontal alignment of menu items. If set to right, the option
arrow_string should be changed too.
- sep_height
= integer (default 5)
- Height of separator without text (defined by ^sep()). Separators with text
use item_height
- sep_halign
= (left | center | right) (default left)
- Horizontal alignment of separator text
- sep_markup
= string (unset by default)
- If specified, <span $sep_markup>foo</span> will be passed to
pango for ^sep(foo).
See the following link for pango attributes:
Keywords include (but are not limited to):
- •
- font
- •
- size (x-small, small, medium, large, x-large) - style (normal,
oblique, italic)
- •
- weight (ultralight, light, normal, bold, ultrabold, heavy
- •
- foreground (using format #rrggbb or a colour name)
- •
- underline (none, single, double)
sep_markup = font="Sans Italic 12" foreground="blue"
- font
= string (unset by default)
- Font description for menu items. font accepts a string such as Cantarell
10 or UbuntuCondensed 11. The font description without a specified size
unit is interpreted as points. If px is added, it will be read as
pixels. Using “points” enables consistency with other
- font_fallback
= string (default xtg)
- Same as icon_theme_fallback, except that the xsettings variable
Gtk/FontName is read.
- icon_size
= integer (default 22)
- Size of icons in pixels. If set to 0, icons will be disabled.
- icon_text_spacing
= integer (default 10)
- Distance between icon and text within a menu item
- icon_norm_alpha
= integer (default 100)
- Opacity of menu item icons, expressed as a percentage (0-100).
- icon_sel_alpha
= integer (default 100)
- Opacity of the currently selected menu item’s icon, expressed as a
percentage (0-100).
- icon_theme
= string (unset by default)
- Name of icon theme. E.g. Adwaita, breeze, Paper, Papirus and Numix. See ls
/usr/share/icons/ (or similar) for available icon themes on your
- icon_theme_fallback
= string (default xtg)
- Fallback sources of the icon theme in order of precedence, where the
left-most letter designates the source with highest precedence. The
following characters are acceptable: x=xsettings Net/IconThemeName;
t=tint2; g=gtk3.0. icon_theme takes priority if set. In order to increase
consistency with tint2, xsettings variables will only be read if the
tint2rc variable launcher_icon_theme_override is 0.
- arrow_string
= string (default ▸)
- String to be used to indicate that an item will open submenu. See
jgmenuunicode(7) for examples
- arrow_width
= integer (default 15)
- Width allowed for arrow_string. Set to 0 to hide arrow.
- Background colour of menu window. If gradients are enabled, this will be
the `from' color.
- Background `to' colour of menu window - for use with gradients
- Border colour of menu window
- color_norm_bg
= color (default #000000 0)
- Background colour of menu items, except the one currently selected.
- color_norm_fg
= color (default #eeeeee 100)
- Font (foreground) colour of menu items, except the one currently
- color_sel_bg
= color (default #ffffff 20)
- Background color of the currently selected menu item.
- color_sel_fg
= color (default #eeeeee 100)
- Font (foreground) color of the currently selected menu item.
- color_sel_border
= color (default #eeeeee 8)
- Border color of the currently selected menu item.
- color_sep_fg
= color (default #ffffff 20)
- Font (foreground) colour of separators without text
- color_title_fg
= color (default #eeeeee 50)
- Font (foreground) colour of separators with text. The font colour can be
overridden by sep_markup
- color_title_bg
= color (default #000000 0)
- Background colour of separators with text.
- color_title_border
= color (default #000000 0)
- Border colour of separators with text.
- color_scroll_ind
= color (default #eeeeee 40)
- Colour of scroll indicator lines (which show if there are menu items above
or below those which are visible).
The following variables begin with csv_ which denotes that they
set environment variables which are used by the CSV generators.
- csv_name_format
= string (default %n
- Defines the format of the name field for CSV generators. Supported by apps
and lx. It understands the following two fields:
- %n
- Application name
- %g
- Application generic name. If a generic name does not exist or is the same
as the name, %n will be used without any formatting.
- csv_single_window
= boolean (default 0)
- If set, csv-generators will output ^root() instead of ^checkout(). This
results in a single window menu, where submenus appear in the same window.
This is supported by apps and pmenu.
- csv_no_dirs
= boolean (default 0)
- If set, csv-generators will output applications without any directory
structure. This is supported by apps, pmenu and lx.
- csv_i18n
= string (no default)
- Look for a translation file in the specified file or directory. See
`jgmenu-i18n(1) for further details. Supported by apps and ob.
- csv_no_duplicates
= boolean (default 0)
- Restrict applications to appear in one directory only. Supported by
IPC can be used to align jgmenu to a panel launcher in real-time.
This is currently supported by tint2 and xfce-panel. It works as
jgmenu_run reads the environment variables listed below and passes
them via a unix socket to the long-running instance of jgmenu.
If position_mode=ipc, jgmenu aligns to these variables every times
it is launched.
The following four environment variables define the extremities of
║ panel ║
The following environment variables define the position of the
launcher. These are interpreted differently depending on panel
In the case of a horizontal panel:
- •
- TINT2_BUTTON_ALIGNED_X1 and TINT2_BUTTON_ALIGNED_X2 define the launcher
button’s horizontal extremities to align to.
- •
- TINT2_BUTTON_ALIGNED_Y1 and TINT2_BUTTON_ALIGNED_Y2 define the edge of the
panel to align to. These shall be the same.
In the case or a vertical panel, the same rules apply with X and Y
If the above variables are not set, menu_margin_x and
menu_margin_y are used.
- margin
- Refers to space outside an object
- padding
- Refers to space inside an object (between border and content)
║ 1 ║
║ 2 ║
║ item ║
║ 2 ║
║ item ║
║ 2 ║
║ 3 ║
1. menu_padding_top
2. item_margin_y
3. menu_padding_bottom
║ │ │ │ │ ║
║ │ ├────────────────┤ │ ║
║ │ │icon text >│ │ ║
║ │ ├────────────────┤ │ ║
║2│1│ │1│3║
║ │ ├────┬─┬───────┬─┤ │ ║
║ │ │ 4 │5│ │6│ │ ║
║ │ ├────┴─┴───────┴─┤ │ ║
║ │ │ │ │ ║
║ │ │ │ │ ║
1. item_margin_x
2. padding_left
3. padding_right
4. icon_size
5. icon_to_text_spacing
6. arrow_width
║ 2 ║
║ ┌──────┐ ║
║ │ root │ ┌──────┐ ║
║1│ menu │ │ sub │ ║
║ │ │3│ menu │ ║
║ └──────┘ │ │ ║
║ └──────┘ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
1. menu_margin_x
2. menu_margin_y
3. sub_spacing
A hook in jgmenu is a rule which optionally triggers a command and
then performs a restart if a file or directory has has changed since the
last time the instance of jgmenu was mapped (=made visible - normally by
running jgmenu_run).
Hooks are specified in the file $HOME/.config/jgmenu/hooks are
take the format
For example, to synchronise with the GTK theme, use this hook:
~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini,jgmenu_run gtktheme
Leave the <command> empty to just restart.
A number of restart-hooks are built-in by default, for example
~/.config/jgmenu/{jgmenurc,append.csv,prepend.csv} and
To list all the built-in hooks, use the keyword print in the hook
file (on a line on its own). In order to remove all the built-in hooks, use
the keyword clear.
Unless the --vsimple argument is used, the file
~/.config/jgmenu/startup is executed on initial startup.
- •
- jgmenu_run(1)
- •
- jgmenututorial(7)
- •
- jgmenuunicode(7)
The jgmenu source code and documentation can be downloaded from