JClic Reports(1) JClic Reports(1)

jclicreports - Management of a database to track students work and results on JClic activities.

jclicreports [CONFFILE.properties]

This manual page describes briefly the jclicreports command. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. It contains only the description of the basic options.
For full manuals and documentation please visit:
http://clic.xtec.cat and http://projectestac.github.io/jclic

JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities: puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords... These activities are packed in projects. A project is formed by a set of activities and one or more sequences, which indicate the order in which they have to be shown. If you want to check about how JClic projects are, you should take a look at:

JClic Reports allows the management of a database to track students work and results after playing JClic activities. It also acts as a server to allow accesing to the data using a web browser.

The only parameter allowed by jclicreports is the absolute path to a configuration file written in Java ".properties" format, containing specific settings for the different parametres used by the application. Default values can be found in the JClicReports.properties file found on your ~/JClic directory after running jclicreports for first time.

Parameters related to the general behavior of JClic Reports

Parameters related to the HTTP server

Parameters related to database connection

Parametres related to the drawing of graphics

Parameters related to the logging system

JClic was written by Francesc Busquets <fbusquets@xtec.cat> for the Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia.

This manual page was initially written by José L. Redrejo Rodríguez <jredrejo@edu.juntaextremadura.net>, for the Debian project, and continued by Francesc Busquets <fbusquets@xtec.cat> (but may be used by others).

jclic(1), jclicauthor(1)
