jclic - Standalone player of multimedia educational activities
This manual page describes briefly the jclic command. This
manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. It only
contains the description of the basic options.
For full manuals and documentation please visit:
http://clic.xtec.cat and http://projectestac.github.io/jclic
JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are
used for carrying out different types of educational activities: puzzles,
associations, text exercises, crosswords... These activities are packed in
projects. A project is formed by a set of activities and one or more
sequences, which indicate the order in which they have to be shown.
JClic is able to play JClic projects, that should have
extension *.jclic.zip or *.jclic. It can also run installer
macros of JClic projects, with extension *.jclic.inst and import
packages of activities made with the old "Clic 3.0" software, that
have extension *.pcc and *.pac.
If you want to check about how JClic projects are, you should take
a look at:
- -trace=true
- Show in a terminal some debug information for the application.
- -language=code
- ISO 639 code of the language used by JClic in system messages and menus,
e. g.: "pt" to indicate Portuguese.
- -country=code
- Optional ISO 3166-1 code specifying a local variant of the language, e.g.:
"BR" to indicate Brazilian Portuguese.
- -variant=name
- An optional variable that can be used in conjunction with the preceding
two, e.g.: "-language=ca -country=ES -variant=valencia" for the
Valencian variant of Catalan.
- -skin=name
- Type of visual interface used by JClic at start. The stock skins provided
by JClic are: @default.xml @blue.xml @orange.xml @green.xml @simple.xml
@mini.xml. Note that stock skin names are always preceeded by
"@". Otherwise, you must indicate a full or relative path to an
XML file implementing the JClic Skin Schema. For more info see:
- -systemSounds=true|false
- This option indicates if JClic must play or not system sounds.
- -compressImages=true|false
- This option decides if JClic will compress images in order to make it to
fit into the cells. Default is true.
- -lookAndFeel=value
- Java Look&Feel to be used by JClic. Possible values are default
system metal motif and windows. Default is
- -audioEnabled=true|false
- This option allows to enable or disable the sounds in JClic.
- -mediaSystem=JMF|QT
- Preferred multimedia system: "JMF" for Java Media Framework or
"QT" for QuickTime.
- -reporter=class
- Name of the Java class used by the reports engine of JClic, e.g.:
"TCPReporter". Classes belonging to
"edu.xtec.jclic.report" can safely ommit the package name.
- -reporterParams=parameters
- Parameters passed to the reports engine. This option can have multiple
key-value pairs inside, separated by semi-colons. E.g.:
jclic -reporter=TCPReporter
The main parameters used by the stock reporter classes are:
- user
- User id in the reports system.
- key
- A special key that will be saved in the database. This kind of keys are
used in the Moodle module of JClic to store session values.
- context
- Another special key that will be saved in the database. It can indicate,
for example, the type of course where the activities are being done.
- path
- In TCPReporter only, complete path to the reports server, e.g.:
- protocol
- In TCPReporter only, protocol to be used to communicate with the reports
server. Possible values are "http" and "https" (since
- lap
- In TCPReporter, number of seconds between successive calls to the reports
server. Default is 20 seconds.
JClic was written by Francesc Busquets <fbusquets@xtec.cat>
for the Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia.
This manual page was initially written by José L. Redrejo
Rodríguez <jredrejo@edu.juntaextremadura.net>, for the Debian
project, and continued by Francesc Busquets <fbusquets@xtec.cat> (but
may be used by others).
jclicauthor(1), jclicreports(1),