IVA_QC(1) User Commands IVA_QC(1)

iva_qc - compare an assembly to a reference

usage: iva_qc [options] {(-f <reads_1.fq> -r <reads_2.fq>) | --fr reads.fq} {(--embl_dir | --ref_db) <directory>} <assembly.fasta> <prefix of output files>

Name of assembly fasta file to be compared to reference
Prefix to use for name of all output files

show this help message and exit

Directory of reference EMBL files. If not used, must use --ref_db
Directory of database made by iva_qc_make_db. If not used, must use --embl_dir

Name of forwards reads fasta or fastq file. Must be used with --reads_rev
Name of reverse reads fasta or fastq file. Must be used with --reads_rev
Name of interleaved fasta/q file

Minimum hit length when running nucmer of CDS sequences against contigs [30]
Minimum hit percent identity when running nucmer of CDS sequences against contigs [80]
Minimum hit length when running nucmer of contigs against reference [100]
Minimum hit percent identity when running nucmer of contigs against reference [80]

kmer hash length in SMALT (the -k option in smalt index) [15]
kmer hash step size in SMALT (the -s option in smalt index) [3]
Minimum identity threshold for mapping to be reported (the -y option in smalt map) [0.5]

Minimum percent identity used when GAGE runs nucmer [80]
Use the --preload option when running kraken
Specify your own RATT config file [None]

Title to use in contig layout plot [IVA QC contig layout and read depth]
Minimum read coverage of the reference, on each strand, to count as OK coverage [5]
Do not clean temporary files
Number of threads to use [1]
show program's version number and exit

You must supply reads in one of two ways: 1) both --reads_fwd and --reads_rev; or 2) --fr. Also, you must either supply a reference with --embl_dir, or choose one automatically from a database with --ref_db.

February 2024 iva_qc 1.0.8