idiff(1) OpenImageIO idiff(1)

idiff -- compare two images

Usage: idiff [options] image1 image2

This program is part of the OpenImageIO ( tool suite. Detailed documentation is available in pdf format with the OpenImageIO distribution.

Print help message
Print version and exit
Verbose status messages
Quiet (minimal messages)
Compare all subimages/miplevels

Thresholding and comparison options

Failure absolute difference threshold (default: 1e-06)
Failure relative threshold (default: 0)
Allow this percentage of failures (default: 0)
Fail if any one pixel exceeds this error (default: inf)
OK for this number of pixels to fail by any amount (default: 0)
Warning absolute difference threshold (default: 1e-06)
Warning relative threshold (default: 0)
Allow this percentage of warnings (default: 0)
Warn if any one pixel exceeds this error (default: inf)
Perform perceptual (rather than numeric) comparison

Difference image options

Output difference image
Output image only if nonzero difference
Output image of absolute value, not signed difference
Scale the output image by this factor (default: 1)
08 April 2024
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