icmake(1) A program maintenance utility icmake(1)

icmake - A program maintenance (make) utility using a C-like grammar

icmake option(s) [source [dest]] [args]

Icmake(1) is a generic tool handling program maintenance that can be used as an alternative for make(1). It’s a generic tool in that icmake-scripts, written in a language closely resembling the C programming language, can perform tasks that are traditionally the domain of scripting languages. See also section ICMAKE V. 11.01.00 below an overview of the changes from version 10 to version 11.

To summarize the changes: since icmake version 11.00.00 icmake offers Single Pre-Compiled Headers (SPCH) and multi-threaded source-file compilation, commonly reducing the construction times of projects to around 30-40% of the original construction times.

Icmake allows programmers to use a programming language (closely resembling the well-known C-programming language) to define the actions that are required for (complex) program maintenance. For this, icmake offers various special operators as well as a set of support functions that have shown their usefulness in program maintenance.

Although icmake scripts can be written from scratch, often the required activities are highly comparable. This observation resulted in the construction of two icmake scripts, which are part of the standard icmake distribution: icmstart(1), initializing a directory for program development and icmbuild(1), handling the actual program maintenance. By default both scripts are tailored to initializing and maintaining C++ programs (or, after minimal adaptation, C programs), but can easily be adapted to other programming languages.

This man-page covers icmake (the program), and its main support programs. Refer to the icmstart(1) man-page for information about how a directory can be initialized (created) in which (by default) a C++ or C program can be developed, and refer to the icmbuild(1) man-page for information about how icmbuild can be used to handle program maintenance.

The icmscript(7) man-page covers the syntax and facilities offered by icmake’s scripting language, allowing you to write your own icmake scripts.

Icmake should not be confused with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Icmake merely performs tasks for which scripts can be written, and a minimal set of pre-defined scripts (icmstart and icmbuild) that have proven their usefulness when developing and maintaining programs are included in icmake’s distribution.

In its standard activation modes, icmake uses the following support programs:

icm-pp to pre-process the icmake file,
icm-comp to byte-code compile the icmake s,
icm-dep to handle class-dependencies (see the ICM-DEP section in this man-page for more information about icm-dep),
icm-exec to execute the byte-code file.

In addition, since version 11.00.00, icmake uses two new support programs:

icm-multicomp to use multi-threaded source file compilation,
icm-spch to construct a project-wide Single Pre-Compiled Hbeader file (SPCH). Refer to the sections (below) ICMAKE V. 11.00.00, OPTIONS (for descriptions of the options --multicomp and spch); MULTICOMP and SPCH for, respectively, the descriptions of the icm-multicomp and icm-spch programs; and refer to the icmconf(7) man-page for details about the new #define directives MULTICOMP, SPCH, and SPCH_FILE.

Furthermore, primarily used for illustration, education, and debugging, the program icmun is available to disassemble compiled icmake byte-code (.bim) files (`bim-files’). Icmun is not installed in a standard PATH directory but in icmake’s lib directory, which commonly is /usr/libexec/icmake (see also section ICMUN below).

Traditional make-utilities recompile sources once header files are modified. When developing C++ programs this is often not required, as adding new member functions to classes does not require you to recompile all source files of those classes. To handle class dependencies icmbuld(1) optionally inspects class dependencies, (re)compiling sources of dependent classes when necessary. By default, class-dependencies are not considered, but they are when the USE_ALL, SPCH, and/or (deprecated since version 11.00.00) PRECOMP #define directives, found in the icmconf file, are activated. Refer to the icmconf(7) man-page for details about these directives.

This manpage describes icmake’s options in section OPTIONS, followed by sections covering the support programs

the icm-dep dependency analyzer;
the icm-multicomp multi-threaded compiler program.
the icm-spch SPCH construction support program
icmake’s unassembler.

Refer to the icmscript(7) man-page for a description of icmake’s C-like scripting language.

Since icmake version 11.00.00 icmake may construct and use Single Pre-Compiled Headers (SPCH) and also offers multi-threaded source-file compilations.

The icmake support program icm-spch (callable via icmake --spch ..., see section ICM-SPCH for details) handles the construction of SPCHs; the icmake support program icm-multicomp (callable via icmake --multicomp ..., see section ICM-MULTICOMP for details) handles multi-threaded source-file compilations. See also the icmconf(7) manpage.

When developing C++ programs the environment variable ICMAKE_CXXFLAGS is no longer used. Instead the environment variable ICMAKE_CPPSTD is used. Use this latter environment variable to have one point of maintenance specifying the version of the C++ standard to use when compiling your sources.

Where available, single letter options are listed between parentheses beyond their associated long-option variants. Icmake defines action options and non-action options. The first action option that is encountered is used.

When using icmbuild(1) for program maintenance icmake is called automatically, and the user doesn’t have to specify any icmake options.

The following action options write some text to the standard output stream, whereafter icmake ends:

--about (-a)
Shows some information about icmake;
--help (-h)
Provides usage info, returning 0 to the operating system. Usage information is also provided if icmake is started without providing arguments. In that case 1 is returned to the operating system;
--version (-v)
Displays icmake’s version.

The remaining action options require additional options and/or arguments, and most of them process icmake source- or bim-files. Several of these action options write output files. By default these files are located in the same directories as the source files’ directories.

The remaining action options are:

--compile (-c) [options] source [bim-file]
The source file is first pre-processed (by icm-pp) whereafter the pre-processed file is compiled (by icm-comp), producing a bim-file. If the bim-file name is not specified then source’s base-name, receiving extension .bim, is used.
If the bim-file exists and is younger than source then source is not compiled.
With this option pre-processor symbol-defining options can be used: symbols having values 1 which can be used in source. E.g., when issuing the command
    icmake -c -d one --define two source dest.bim
then icmake compiles source, defines the pre-processor symbols one and two (each having value 1), and produces the bim-file dest.bim. Note that instead of using long options --define short options -d can also be used.
If source is a previously pre-processed file then option -P must be specified to compile it. E.g.,
    icmake -c -P source dest.bim

--dependencies (-d) [options] action
Icmake calls icm-dep to determine the dependencies among classes. All options and arguments following this option are forwarded to icm-dep. Refer to the ICM-DEP section of this man-page for information about icm-dep;
--execute (-e) [option] bim-file [arguments]
Executes the bim-file, specified as icmake’s first file argument. Before the bim-file option --no-version-check (or the equivalent short option -n) can be specified to allow mismatches between icmake’s main version and the icmake version that was used to compile the bim-file. See also the description of the --no-version-check option at the description of the non-action options below.
Options and arguments specified beyond the bim-file are forwarded as arguments to the bim-file’s main function (refer to the icmscript(7) man-page for details about how to write icmake-scripts);
--force (-f) [options] source [bim-file]
Acts like option --compile, but compilation is always performed, even if the bim-file is up-to-date. As with --compile, if source is a previously pre-processed file then option -P must be specified to compile it. E.g.,
    icmake -f -P source dest.bim

--multicomp (-m) [options] jobs ’compiler-spec’
The optional options are the options of the icm-multicomp program: --threads (-t) and/or --quiet (-q). The ’compiler-spec’ argument is the (quoted) compiler call specification, using $1 to refer to the source file to compile, $2 to refer to the object file’s path, like ’/usr/bin/g++ -c -o $2 --Wall -Werror $1’ Threaded compilation is automatically used when the #define MULTICOMP directive is specified in projects’ icmconf files.
Refer to section ICM-MULTICOMP (below) for a description of icm-spch’s usage and arguments.
--preprocess (-p) [options] source [pim-file]
The file specified as first argument is pre-processed, producing a `.pim’ file. If a second filename argument is provided then that file becomes the .pim file. If not specified, then the first filename, using the extension .pim, is used.
With this option pre-processor symbol-defining options can be used: symbols having values 1 which can be used in source. E.g., when issuing the command
    icmake -p -d one --define two source dest.pim
then icmake pre-processes source, defines the pre-processor symbols one and two (each having value 1), and produces the pim-file dest.pim. Note that instead of using long options --define short options -d can also be used;
--spch (-S) ...
A SPCH is built. All options and arguments following --spch are forwarded to the icm-spch support program.
A SPCH is automatically constructed when the #define SPCH directive is specified in projects’ icmconf files.
Refer to section ICM-SPCH (below) for a description of icm-spch’s usage and arguments.
--source (-s) [options] source [arguments]
Icmake uses --compile to compile the icmake source file specified as first argument (constructing the default bim-file if necessary) and then uses --execute to execute the bim-file, forwarding any subsequent arguments as-is to the bim-file’s main function.
With this option pre-processor options as well as the --no-version-check execute option can be used. When using the latter option it must follow the pre-processor options (if specified) and it must be preceded by --execute (or -e). E.g., when issuing the command
    icmake -s -d one -en source 
then icmake first compiles source, defining the pre-processor symbol one, and then executes the bim-file, passing --no-version-check to icm-exec;
-t tmpspec [options] source [arguments]
This option is intended for icmake-scripts although it can also be used in a command-line icmake call. Its argument tmpspec is either a single dot (as in -t.) in which case icmake determines the name of the bim-file in the directory icmake uses for temporary files (see option --tmpdir below), or it uses tmpspec as the filename to write the bim-file to (which file is also removed once the script’s execution ends).
At the options pre-processor options as well as the --no-version-check execute option can be specified. When using the latter option it must follow the pre-processor options (if specified) and it must be preceded by --execute (or -e).
The argument source is the name of the icmake script to process, and source may optionally be followed by arguments. Those arguments are forwarded as-is to the script’s main function, where they appear as elements of its list argv parameter.
Rather than using the explicit command-line call icmake -t. ... the -t option is normally used in the first line of an (executable) (so usually chmod +x source has been specified before calling the script), where its pre-processor and execute options can also be specified. For example after writing the executable script hello:
    #!/usr/bin/icmake -t.
    int main(int argc, list argv)
        printf << "hello: " << argv << ’\n’;
it can be called as hello one -two --three, producing output like:
    hello: /tmp/10434.bim.MKqvAb one -two --three
(the name following hello: will be different, as it is the name of the compiled temporary bim-file). If icmake pre-process and/or execute options are required they can be specified in the first line, following the -t option. E.g.,
    #!/usr/bin/icmake -t. -d one --define two

--unassemble (-u)
The file specified as first argument is an icmake bim-file, which is unassembled. Refer to the icmun section further down this man-page for more information about icmun;
The program icmun unassembles bim-files. This program also supports the --no-version-check (-n) option.

Finally, there are some (non-action) options that can be specified before specifying action options:

--no-process (-N)
Implies option --verbose. This option may precede options -d, -e, -s and -t (either as two separate options or by `gluing’ both options together, like -Ne). When specified, the actions are not activated, but the command(s) that would have been used are shown to the standard output;
--no-version-check (-n)
This option is available with the action options --execute, --source, --unassemble, and -t. When specified the main versions of icm-bim files and icmake itself may differ. This option should normally not be used, and was added for development purposes only;
--tmpdir=directory (-T)
The specified directory is used for storing temporary files. E.g., when compiling an icmake script, the output of icmake’s preprocessor is written to a temporary file which is removed when icmake ends. By default /tmp is used, unless /tmp is not a writable directory, in which case the current user’s $HOME directory is used;
--verbose (-V)
The child processes and their arguments are written to the standard output stream before they are called. This option may precede options -d, -e, -s and -t (either as two separate options or by `gluing’ both options together, like -Ve).

Icm-dep is a support program called by icmake to determine source- and precompiled-header file dependencies. Icm-dep can be used for software projects that are developed as described in the C++ Annotations, section Header file organization in chapter Classes. For those projects classes are developed in their own directories, which are direct sub-directories of the project’s main program directory. Their class interfaces are provided in class-header files bearing the names of the class-directories, and all headers that are required by the class’s sources are declared in a separate internal header files, commonly having extensions .ih.

Icmake automatically calls icm-dep when USE_ALL, SPCH, or PRECOMP is specified in icmconf files. By default it is called with arguments -V go. The #define ICM_DEP define-specification in the icmconf file can be used to specify a different set of options.

By default, when called by icmake directory dependencies are determined, touching all files in directories that depend on directories containing files whose names are specified by the icmconf’s #define USE_ALL direcctive.

When icmconf files contain the #define SPCH directive icm-dep does not inspect precompiled headers: Single Pre-Compiled Headers are automatically inspected (and updated when necessary) by icm-precompile (also automatically called by icmake.

By providing another argument than go icm-dep performs a `dry run’: it analyzes dependencies, but it won’t remove or touch files.

Options of icm-dep may be specified immediately following icmake’s --dependencies option. Icm-dep accepts the following options:

--classes=filename (-c)
By default, icm-dep inspects dependencies of the directories mentioned in the file CLASSES. Furthermore, if the icmconf(7) file specifies PARSER_DIR and SCANNER_DIR then those directories are also considered. Use this option to specify the file containing the names of directories to be inspected by icm-dep.
If icmconf files contain #define PRECOMP directives then icm-dep checks whether precompiled headers must be refreshed. If an icmconf file does not contain a #define PRECOMP diretive, but precompiled headers should nonetheless be inspected, then option --gch can be specified;
--help (-h)
Icm-dep writes a summary of its usage to the standard output and terminates, returning 0 to the operating system;
--icmconf=filename (-i)
By default icm-dep inspects the content of icmconf files, This option is used if instead of icmconf another file should be inspected;
--mainih=mainheader (-m)
In the icmconf file the #define IH directive is used to specify the suffix of class header files that should be precompiled, assuming that their filenames are equal to the names of the directories which are listed in the CLASSES file. But CLASSES does not specify the name of the program’s top-level directory. This option is used to specify the name of the top-level header file to precompile. By default main.ih is used;
If icmconf files contain #define PRECOMP directives but icm-dep should not check whether precompiled headers must be refreshed then option --no-gch should be specified;
If icmconf files contain #define USE_ALL "filename" directives then all source files in directories containing files named filename are recompiled. When specifying this option inspections of `USE_ALL’ specifications is suppressed;
If icmconf files contain #define USE_ALL "filename" directives then all source files in directories containing files named filename are recompiled. Specify this option to inspect the presence of filename files if icmconf does not contain a #define USE_ALL directive;
--verbose (-V)
This option can be specified multiple times. The number of times it is specified determines icm-dep’s verbosity. If not used then icm-dep silently performs its duties. If specified once, then icm-dep reports to the standard output what actions it performs; if specified twice it also reports non-default options and automatically included directories; if specified three times it also reports class dependencies; if specified more often it reports what files it encountered and what decision it would make when go would be specified;
--version (-v)
Icm-dep reports its version number to the standard output and terminates, returning 0 to the operating system.

As an example, for icmake itself the class dependencies, obtained using the option -VVV are shown as:

    Direct class dependencies:
        class:     1  2  3  4 
             .  1  x  x  x  x 
       options  2     x     x 
       handler  3     x  x    
    argoptions  4           x 
                   1  2  3  4 
    Implied class dependencies:
        class:     1  2  3  4 
             .  1  -  x  x  x 
       handler  2     -  x  x 
       options  3        -  x 
    argoptions  4           - 
                   1  2  3  4 
The second table immediately shows that there are no circular dependencies: its lower triangle remains empty.

Icmake supports multi-threaded source-file compilation, often significantly reducing the compilation time of the source files of projects. When using the standard icmake icmbuild(1) program multi-threaded compilation is automatically used when projects’ icmconf files contain the #define MULTICOMP directive (cf. icmconf(7)). It can also be called independently from icmconf using icmake’s --multicomp (or -m) option.

Icm-multicomp accepts the following options:

--help (-h)
Icm-multicomp writes a summary of its usage to the standard output and terminates, returning 0 to the operating system;
--nr (-n)
When compiling source files and option --nr is specified then the thread number compiling a source file is written to the standard output stream.
--quiet (-q)
When this options is not specified then the path names of the compiled object and source files are written to the standard output stream. When it is specified once only the source files’ directories and filenames are written to the standard output stream, and when it is specified more than once no information about the compiled files is written to the standard output stream.
--threads=nThreads (-t)
By default the computer’s number of cores determines the number of threads being used when compiling the source files. Optionally a different number of threads can be requested using this option, e.g., --threads 5.
--version (-v)
Icm-multicomp reports its version number to the standard output and terminates, returning 0 to the operating system.

Icm-multicomp needs one command-line argument and an optional second argument:

the first argument is the name of the file specifying which files must be compiled. Use icmbuild(1) to write this file. It can also be constructed otherwise. It ccontains groups of file specifications where each group starts with a line like : support tmp/o 5 where the 2nd element specifies the location (directory) of the source files (use . to refer to the project’s top-level directory); the 3rd element specifies the destination directory of the compiled files (which is created if not existing); and the 4th element specifies the prefix to add in front of the compiled object files.
Following this line the remaining lines of a group specify the names of the source files to compile.
Once the compilation ends (either because all files were successfully ccompiled, or because a compilation failed) the specification file is removed;
the second argument is optional. By default the following specification is used (all on one line)
    g++ -c -o $2 ${ICMAKE_CPPSTD} --Wall -Werror $1
In this specification $1 is replaced by the location of the source file to compile and $2 is replaced by the location of the compiled object file. If the environment variable ICMAKE_CPPSTD is defined (specifying the C++ standard to use, e.g., ICMAKE_CPPSTD=--std=c++23) then its value replaces ${ICMAKE_CPPSTD} in the specification.
Alternatively, the command compiling source files can be provided as second command-line argument, which should be quoted, like
    ’g++ -c -o $2 ’${ICMAKE_CPPSTD}’ --Wall -Werror $1’
or the second command-line argument can be f:file, where file is the name of a file whose first line contains the specification of the command compiling source files (which must specify $1 and $2 and optionally $ICMAKE_CPPSTD).
The PATH environment variable is used to locate the compiler; the compiler’s absolute path can also be used.

icmake --spch calls icm-spch.
icmake --spch is followed by icm-spch’s options and arguments.

Pre-compiled headers have been available for quite some time, and usually result in a significant reduction of the compilation time. Traditionally pre-compiled headers are defined for directories containing the sources of components of programs or libraries (e.g., in C++ directories commonly contain the sources of classes). However, there is a disadvantage to this approach: the combined sizes of such separately constructed pre-compiled headers can be huge, often requiring many Giga-Bytes of disk space. But often headers of separate components themselves include identical (e.g., system-based) header files, like (in C++) iostream, string and vector. As a result, these separately constructed pre-compiled headers contain large identical sections.

Icm-spch accepts the following options (after covering the options, a more extensive description of icm-spch is provided):

--classes=file (-c)
this option can only be used in combination with the --list option. File contains the list of directories inspected by the --list option (by default CLASSES). The project’s top directory is automatically inspected unless the option --no-topdir is specified;
--guard=name (-g)
this option can only be used in combination with the --list option. Name is the name of the include-guards used in internal headers. By default name is SPCH_;
--help (-h)
Icm-multicomp writes a summary of its usage to the standard output and terminates, returning 0 to the operating system;
--internal=.ext (-i)
this option can only be used in combination with the --list option. .ext is the extension used for the internal headers (including the dot) by default: .ih;
--keep=regex (-k)
this option can only be used in combination with the --list option. It keeps (and does not inspect) include-specification(s) in the internal header matching (POSIX extended) regular expressions in regex. Use (...)|(...) to specify multiple regexes. Use f:file to specify a file whose non-empty lines contain regexex;
--list (-l)
write the filenames of the files to process when constructing a single precompiled header (SPCH) to the file (dest) specified as the command line argument. Dest must specify a filename (without extension) in the current working directory.
--no-topdir (-n)
this option can only be used in combination with the --list option. Ignore the internal header found in the project’s top directory. This option is used when merely constructing a library instead of a program;
--precompile=file (-p)
precompile file (which is the name of the file specified at the option --list) to the SPCH file dest, specified as icm-spch’s first command-line argument. If dest ends in / then the SPCH is the file ’dest’file.gch.
By default the SPCH is constructed using the following command (all on one line):
    g++ -c -o $2 ${ICMAKE_CPPSTD} -Wall -Werror -O2 -x c++-header $1
Here, $1 refers to ’file’, $2 refers to ’dest’, and $ICMAKE_CPPSTD refers to the value of the ICMAKE_CPPSTD environment variable (specifying the C++ standard to use, e.g., ICMAKE_CPPSTD=--std=c++23).
Alternatively, the command constructing the SPCH can be provided as second command-line argument, which should be quoted like
    ’g++ -c -o $2 ’${ICMAKE_CPPSTD}’ -Wall -Werror -O2 -x c++-header $1’
or the second command-line argument can be f:file, where file is the name of a file whose first line specifies the command constructing the SPCH (which must specify $1 and $2 and optionally $ICMAKE_CPPSTD).
The PATH environment variable is used to locate the compiler; the compiler’s absolute path can also be used.
--soft-links=file (-s)
this option uses the same arguments as the arguments used with the --precompile option. This option creates .gch soft-links from the header files listed in file to the SPCH-file specified as the program’s command-line argument dest;
--version (-v)
Icm-multicomp reports its version number to the standard output and terminates, returning 0 to the operating system;
--warn (-w)
interactively warn when existing header files are about to be modified, accepting or refusing the modifications. Once refused icm-spch ends.

Pre-compiled headers have been available for quite some time, and usually result in a significant reduction of the compilation time. Using single precompiled headers results in a large reduction of required disk-space compared to using precompiled headers for separate directories.

When using SPCHs almost identical precompiled headers for separate directories are avoided: only one precompiled header is constructed which is then used by all components of a project. As identical sections are avoided the sizes (and construction times) of SPCHs are much smaller, usually requiring only 5 to 10 % of the space (and construction time) ccompared to using separately constructed pre-compiled headers.

When bfIicm-spch) is used for the first time on a project it visits the project’s (internal) header files, and modifies them slightly to avoid namespace declarations inside the SPCH that might otherwise arise when identical names are defined in different namespaces. Suppose an internal header file looks like this:

    #include "class.h"
    #include <ctype>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    inline void Class::capitalize(string &text)
        for (char &ch: text)
            ch = toupper(ch);
then this header file is modified to
    #include "class.h"
    #include <ctype>
    #include <iostream>
    inline void Class::capitalize(string &text)
        for (char &ch: text)
            ch = toupper(ch);
    #ifndef SPCH_
    using namespace std;
The name SPCH_ is the ’guard’-name, which can be configured using the --guard option, but notice that following this modification the header file cannot be compiled anymore since the inline function is now positioned above the namespace declaration. Definitions and declarations which are positioned above the #ifndef SPCH_ declaration must therefore, where necessary, specify their appropriate namespaces. E.g., for Class::capitalize this means:
    inline void Class::capitalize(std::string &text)
        for (char &ch: text)
            ch = toupper(ch);
The first line of the file specifying which headers to process (which is specified as the command-line argument when using the --list option) contains the directive
    #define SPCH_
and at the end the namespaces encountered when processing the internal headers are declared, e.g.,
    using namespace std;

To use SPCHs in combination with icmbuild specify #define SPCH and maybe #define SPCH_FILE in the icmconf file (cf. icmconf(7)). SPCHs can also be used independently from using icmbuild by using icmake’s --spch (or -S) option.

Icm-spch, except when calling it with the --help or --version options, always requires one command line argument (dest) (described at options --list, --precompile and --soft-link), and with option --precompile a second (optional) command-line argument may be specified (destribed at that option).

When using icm-spch automatically (through icmbuild(1)) the following commands are issued (showing defaults):

    icm-spch -l spch
    icm-spch -p spch tmp/
    icm-spch -s spch tmp/

The icmun support program expects one argument, a bim-file. It disassembles the binary file an shows the assembler instructions and the structure of the bim-file. Note that in standard installations icmun is not located in one of the directories of the PATH environment variable, but it is available in the /usr/libexec/icmake directory, and the command icmake -u bim-file is normally used to unassemble the bim-file.

As an illustration, assume the following script is compiled by icmake (e.g., by calling icmake -c demo.im):

    void main()
        printf("hello world");
the resulting demo.bim file can be processed by icmun (e.g., calling /usr/libexec/icmake/icmun demo.bim). Icmun then writes the following to the standard output fle:

    icmun by Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl)
    icmun V10.00.00
    Copyright (c) GPL 1992-2021. NO WARRANTY.
    Binary file statistics:
            strings      at offset  0x0025
            variables    at offset  0x0032
            filename     at offset  0x0032
            code         at offset  0x0014
            first opcode at offset  0x0021
    String constants dump:
            [0025 (0000)] ""
            [0026 (0001)] "hello world"
    Disassembled code:
            [0014] 06 01 00   push string "hello world"
            [0017] 05 01 00   push int 0001
            [001a] 1b 1d      callrss 1d (printf)
            [001c] 1c 02      add sp, 02
            [001e] 04         push int 0
            [001f] 24         pop reg
            [0020] 23         ret
            [0021] 21 14 00   call [0014]
            [0024] 1d         exit

Offsets are shown using the hexadecimal number system and are absolute byte offsets in the bim-file. The string constants dump also shows, between parentheses, the offsets of the individual strings relative to the beginning of the strings section. The disassembled code shows the opcodes of the instructions of the compiled icmake source files. If opcodes use arguments then these argument values are shown following their opcodes. Each opcode line ends by showing the opcode’s mnemonic plus (if applicable) the nature of its argument.

The mentioned paths are the ones that are used in the source distribution and are used by the Debian Linux distribution. However, they are sugestive only and may have been configured differently:

/usr/bin/icmake: the main icmake program;
/usr/bin/icmbuild: the wrapper program around the icmbuild script handling standard program maintenance;
/usr/bin/icmstart: an icmake-script that is can be used to create the startup-files of new projects;
/usr/libexec/icmake/icm-comp: the compiler called by icmake;
/usr/libexec/icmake/icm-exec: the byte-code interpreter called by icmake;
/usr/libexec/icmake/icm-dep: the support program handling class- and precompiled header dependencies;
/usr/libexec/icmake/icm-pp: the preprocessor called by icmake;
/usr/libexec/icmake/icmun: the icmake unassembler.

The distribution (usually in /usr/share/doc/icmake) contains a directory examples containing additional examples of icmake script. The icmstart script is an icmake script as is /usr/libexec/icmake/icmbuild, which is called by the /usr/bin/icmbuild program. See also the EXAMPLE section in the icmscript(7) man-page.

chmod(1), icmbuild(1), icmconf(7), icmscript(7), icmstart(1), icmstart.rc(7), make(1)

Be advised that starting icmake version 10.00.00

the --summary (-F) option has been discontinued;
the --source short option -i has been replaced by -s;
long option --icm-dep has been replaced by --dependencies;

This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl).

1992-2024 icmake.12.00.01