ICECREAM(1) icecream ICECREAM(1)

icecream - download icecast and shoutcast streams, redirecting all fetched content to stdout and/or to disk at the same time

icecream [OPTIONS] URL [URL..]

icecream is a lightweight, non-interactive, stream download utility. It connects to icecast and shoutcast servers or direct stream URLs, and redirects all fetched content to stdout and/or to media files on your disk.

Listen to the stream piping the output to a stdin-capable media player. Save the stream to a named file or split it into different tracks. It is possible to redirect the stream and save it to disk at the same time.

icecream is able to parse pls and m3u playlists, and to download mp3 and ogg direct stream URLs. If the stream is anonymous it will be saved as 'stream-time.mp3', where time is actual timestamp.

Print a help message describing all options
Turn off output
Be verbose
Split stream into tracks (if possible)
Save the stream to file specified by NAME. Format codes starting with "%" will be replaced. See the date command for valid format codes.
Stop downloading the stream after N kb/mb/min/songs
Set user-agent header to AGENT
Output stream to stdout (implies -q)
Turn syncing on, required for some mpeg players that read from stdin
Turn on debugging outputs

icecream --stdout | mpg123 -
icecream -t
icecream -t --stdout | vlc file:/dev/stdin
icecream -t --stop 74min
icecream -q --name 'radio_%Y_%m_%d' --stop 60min

You are welcome to send bug reports about icecream to our mailing list. Feel free to visit

Written by Gil Megidish <gil at>

2008-04-28 1.3