hypothesis - helper tool for property-based testing

hypothesis codemod PATH
hypothesis write [OPTIONS] FUNCTION [FUNCTION ...]

hypothesis helps you write and maintain property-based tests in your Python project.

hypothesis codemod refactors deprecated or inefficient code, rewriting files in place. It has no additional options.

hypothesis write writes property-based tests for you. Type annotations are helpful but not required. The following options are recognized:

write roundtrip tests for write/read or encode/decode functions.
Example: hypothesis write --roundtrip json.dumps json.loads
write tests whether two functions behave identically.
Example: hypothesis write --equivalent ast.literal_eval eval
like --equivalent, but also allows consistent errors.
write tests whether a function is idempotent.
write tests for associativity, commutativity and identitiy element.
Example: hypothesis write --binary-op operator.add
dotted name of exception to ignore. can be specified multiple times.
force tests to be type-annotated (or not).
write tests as pytest functions or unittest methods.

hypothesis has been conceived by David R. McIver and written with the help of many contributors.

This manual page has been written by Timo Röhling for Debian and may be reused without restriction.
