hpiel(1) | OpenHPI | hpiel(1) |
hpiel - An openhpi sample application that displays HPI event log entries.
hpiel [-D nn] [-N host[:port]] [-C <cfgfile>] [-d] [-E entity-path] [-c -p -r -X -h ] hpiel [--domain=nn] [--host=host[:port]] [--cfgfile=file] [--del] [--entity-path="entitypath"] [--clear --resource --rdr --debug --help]
hpiel searches the RPT (Resource Present Table) for resources with SAHPI_CAPABILITY_EVENT_LOG and displays event log entries for resources found.
If no domain is selected, hpiel uses a session with the default domain. The selected domain id must be configured via the openhpidclient.conf file specified in the environment.
If neither -d or -E "epath" are specified, event log entries will be shown for all supporting resources by default.
SaErrorT SAHPI_API saHpiEventLogEntryGet (
SAHPI_IN SaHpiSessionIdT SessionId,
SAHPI_IN SaHpiResourceIdT ResourceId,
SAHPI_IN SaHpiEventLogEntryIdT EntryId,
SAHPI_OUT SaHpiEventLogEntryIdT *PrevEntryId,
SAHPI_OUT SaHpiEventLogEntryIdT *NextEntryId,
SAHPI_OUT SaHpiEventLogEntryT *EventLogEntry,
SAHPI_INOUT SaHpiRptEntryT *RptEntry );
SaErrorT SAHPI_API saHpiEventLogClear (
SAHPI_IN SaHpiSessionIdT SessionId,
SAHPI_IN SaHpiResourceIdT ResourceId );
hpi_shell hpialarms hpigensimdata hpireset hpitop hpidomain hpiinv hpisensor hpitree hpievents hpionIBMblade hpisettime hpiwdt hpifan hpipower hpithres hpixml ohdomainlist ohhandler ohparam
Authors of this man page:
Peter D Phan (pdphan@users.sourceforge.net) Ulrich Kleber (ulikleber@users.sourceforge.net) Anton Pak (avpak@users.sourceforge.net)
2024-03-31 | 3.8.0 |