hp-scan(1) User Manuals hp-scan(1)

SANE-based scan utility for HPLIP supported all-in-one/mfp devices.


-d<device-uri> or --device=<device-uri>
-p<printer> or --printer=<printer>

-i or --interactive

-l<level> or --logging=<level> <level>: none, info*, error, warn, debug (*default)
-g (same as option: -ldebug)
-h or --help

-s<dest_list> or --dest=<dest_list> where <dest_list> is a comma separated list containing one or more of: 'file' , 'viewer', 'editor', 'pdf', or 'print'. Use only commas between values, no spaces.
-m<mode> or --mode=<mode>. Where <mode> is 'gray'*, 'color' or 'lineart'.
-r<resolution_in_dpi> or --res=<resolution_in_dpi> or --resolution=<resolution_in_dpi> where 300 is default.
--resize=<scale_in_%> (min=1%, max=400%, default=100%)
-color_dropout_red_value=<color_dropout_red_value> or --color_dropout_red_value=<color_dropout_red_value>
-color_dropout_green_value=<color_dropout_green_value> or --color_dropout_green_value=<color_dropout_green_value>
-color_dropout_blue_value=<color_dropout_blue_value> or --color_dropout_blue_value=<color_dropout_blue_value>
-color_range=<color_range> or --color_range=<color_range>
-c=<contrast> or --contrast=<contrast> The contrast range varies from device to device.
-b=<brightness> or --brightness=<brightness> The brightness range varies from device to device.
--adf (Note, only PDF output is supported when using the ADF) --duplex or --dup for duplex scanning using ADF.

-t<units> or --units=<units> where <units> is 'mm'*, 'cm', 'in', 'px', or 'pt' ('mm' is default).
-a<tlx>,<tly>,<brx>,<bry> or --area=<tlx>,<tly>,<brx>,<bry> Coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the scan area. Units for tlx, tly, brx, and bry are specified by -t/--units (default is 'mm'). Use only commas between values, no spaces.
--box=<tlx>,<tly>,<width>,<height> tlx and tly coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the scan area. Units for tlx, tly, width, and height are specified by -t/--units (default is 'mm'). Use only commas between values, no spaces.
--tlx=<tlx> Coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the scan area. Units are specified by -t/--units (default is 'mm').
--tly=<tly> Coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the scan area. Units are specified by -t/--units (default is 'mm').
--brx=<brx> Coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the scan area. Units are specified by -t/--units (default is 'mm').
--bry=<bry> Coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the scan area. Units are specified by -t/--units (default is 'mm').
--size=<paper size name> where <paper size name> is one of: 3x5, 4x6, 5x7, a2_env, a3, a4, a5, a6, b4, b5, c6_env, dl_env, exec, flsa, higaki, japan_env_3, japan_env_4, legal, letter, no_10_env, oufufu-hagaki, photo, super_b
--edge_erase_value=<border crop value in inch> where <border crop value in inch> is in range of: [0-1]inch

-o<file> or -f<file> or --file=<file> or --output=<file>


-v<viewer> or --viewer=<viewer>

-e<editor> or --editor=<editor>

--email-from=<email_from_address> (required for 'email' dest.)
--email-to=<email__to_address> (required for 'email' dest.)
--email-subject="<subject>" or --subject="<subject>" Use double quotes (") around the subject if it contains space characters.
--email-msg="<msg>" or --email-note="<note>" Use double quotes (") around the note/message if it contains space characters.

--dp=<printer_name> or --dest-printer=<printer_name>
--dd=<device-uri> or --dest-device=<device-uri>

-x<mode> or --compression=<mode>, <mode>='raw', 'none' or 'jpeg' ('jpeg' is default) ('raw' and 'none' are equivalent)

HPLIP (HP Linux Imaging and Printing) is an HP developed solution for printing, scanning, and faxing with HP inkjet and laser based printers in Linux.

The HPLIP Launchpad.net site https://launchpad.net/hplip is available to get help, report bugs, make suggestions, discuss the HPLIP project or otherwise contact the HPLIP Team.

Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, L.P.

This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

2.2 Linux