heightamb - icompute height ambiguity for flat terrain

heightamb v1.1, BK software, Bert Kampes, (c)1999-2000

Computes indicative height ambiguity for flat terrain as function of perpendicular baseline. A larger Bperp yields more sensitivity to height, i.e., a decreasing height ambiguity (the height difference corresponding to a 2pi phase difference (a fringe)).

Program parameters (ERS):

0.0565646 [m]
850000.0 [m]
23.0 [deg]
0.0 [rad]

heightamb heightamb 100 heightamb 25 50 100 200 400 800

Input perp. Baseline [m]:

Bperp = [m] ---> Height ambiguity = [m/2pi]

Computes indicative height ambiguity for flat terrain as function of perpendicular baseline. A larger Bperp yields more sensitivity to height, i.e., a decreasing height ambiguity (the height difference corresponding to a 2pi phase difference (a fringe)).

Program parameters (ERS): -------------------------

0.0565646 [m]
850000.0 [m]
23.0 [deg]
0.0 [rad]

heightamb heightamb 100 heightamb 25 50 100 200 400 800

Input perp. Baseline [m]:

Bperp = [m] ---> Height ambiguity = [m/2pi]

The full documentation for heightamb is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and heightamb programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info heightamb

should give you access to the complete manual.

September 2017 heightamb v1.1, BK software, Bert Kampes, (c)1999-2000