he(1) General Commands Manual he(1)

heencode/decode HTML entities just like a browser would

he [--escape string]
[--encode string]
[--encode --use-named-refs --everything --allow-unsafe string]
[--decode string]
[--decode --attribute string]
[--decode --strict string]
[-v | --version]
[-h | --help]

he encodes/decodes HTML entities in strings just like a browser would.

Take a string of text and escape it for use in text contexts in XML or HTML documents. Only the following characters are escaped: `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'`.
Take a string of text and encode any symbols that aren't printable ASCII symbols and that can be replaced with character references. For example, it would turn `©` into `&#xA9;`, but it wouldn't turn `+` into `&#x2B;` since there is no point in doing so. Additionally, it replaces any remaining non-ASCII symbols with a hexadecimal escape sequence (e.g. `&#x1D306;`). The return value of this function is always valid HTML.
--encode --use-named-refs
Enable the use of named character references (like `&copy;`) in the output. If compatibility with older browsers is a concern, don't use this option.
--encode --everything
Encode every symbol in the input string, even safe printable ASCII symbols.
--encode --allow-unsafe
Encode non-ASCII characters only. This leaves unsafe HTML/XML symbols like `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'` intact.
--encode --decimal
Use decimal digits rather than hexadecimal digits for encoded character references, e.g. output `&#169;` instead of `&#xA9;`.
Takes a string of HTML and decode any named and numerical character references in it using the algorithm described in the HTML spec.
--decode --attribute
Parse the input as if it was an HTML attribute value rather than a string in an HTML text content.
--decode --strict
Throw an error if an invalid character reference is encountered.
Print he's version.
Show the help screen.

The he utility exits with one of the following values:

he did what it was instructed to do successfully; either it encoded/decoded the input and printed the result, or it printed the version or usage message.
he encountered an error.

Print an escaped version of the given string that is safe for use in HTML text contexts, escaping only `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'`.
Print the decoded version of the given HTML string.
Print the decoded version of the HTML string that gets piped in.

he's bug tracker is located at <https://github.com/mathiasbynens/he/issues>.

Mathias Bynens <https://mathiasbynens.be/>


April 5, 2016