gp [-s stacksize] [-p
primelimit] [--emacs] [-f|--fast]
[-q|--quiet] [-D|--default key=val]
[--help] [--test] [--texmacs] [--version]
[--version-short] [ file1 file2 ...]
Invokes the PARI-GP calculator gp; gp is an advanced
programmable calculator, specializing in number theory, which computes
symbolically as long as possible, numerically where needed, and contains a
wealth of arithmetic functions: factorizations, elliptic curves, Galois
theory, class field theory, modular forms, etc. Commands, written in the GP
scripting language, are input interactively or loaded from files.
If present at the end of the command line, files 'file1', 'file2',
... are loaded on startup; they must be written in the GP language.
Command line options are available in both short form (-f) and
POSIX-like (--fast). Numeric arguments can be followed by a modifier
k , M or G at the user's convenience; in that case the
argument is multiplied by 10^3, 10^6, or 10^9 respectively.
- -f, --fast
- Fast start (or factory settings). Do not read .gprc (see below)
upon startup.
- -p limit
- [DEPRECATED] Upon startup, gp computes a table of small primes used in
number-theoretic applications. If primelimit is set, the table
include primes up to that bound instead of the default (= 500000). It is
now mostly useless to change this value.
- -q, --quiet
- Quiet mode. Do not print headers or history numbers and do not say
- -D, --default
- performs default(key, val); on startup, overriding values
from the gprc preferences file. 'val' must be a constant value and
is not allowed to involve any computation (e.g. 1+1 is forbidden). Any
number of such default-setting statements may appear on the command line.
A key may be set multiple times, the last setting taking precedence
- -s limit
- Size of gp internal stack allocated on startup. When gp runs out of space,
it interrupts the current computation and raises a stack overflow
exception. If this occurs frequently, start with a bigger stack. The stack
size can also be increased from within gp, using
default(parisize,limit); it is convenient to set
parisize from your .gprc to that the setting is persistent
across sessions; a value of 80MB is sensible. We strongly advise to also
set parisizemax to a positive, much larger, value in your
.gprc (about what you believe your machine can stand, usually half
the available RAM or so): this strives to fit computation in the parisize
range but allows it to temporarily go beyond it (up to parisizemax). Note
that computations with a smaller stack may be more efficient due to
better data locality. Finally, threadsize and threadsizemax
play analogous roles in the parallel version of gp.
- --emacs
- gp can be run in an Emacs shell (see GP User's manual for details).
This flag is then required for smooth interaction with the
PariEmacs package (pari.el). It is set automatically by the pari.el
package, and will produce display oddities if you set it outside of an
Emacs session.
- --help
- print a summary of available command-line options.
- --test
- run gp in test mode: suppress printing of history numbers and wrap long
output lines (to get readable diff output). For benches only.
- --texmacs
- gp can be run from a TeXmacs frontend. This flag is set by TeXmacs,
to enable special purpose communication channels. Do not set it yourself.
- --version
- output version info (banner) then exit.
- --version-short
- output version number then exit.
- ?
- to get online help.
- ??
- to get extended online help (more precisely, to call the external help
program, gphelp by default)
- quit
- (or \q), or EOF (Ctrl-D) to quit gp.
The following works only when gp was linked with GNU
readline library:
- arrow keys
- for editing and viewing the input history.
for automatic completion
- gp
- main executable
- $HOME/.gprc
- (or $GPRC if set) user preference file, read at beginning of execution by
each gp shell. A default gprc gprc.dft is provided with the
distribution. If this file cannot be found, /etc/gprc is checked
- <logfile>
- a file used to log in all commands and results; default: pari.log
(you need to set the log default in your gprc or interactively)
- <psfile>
- a file used to dump PostScript drawings; default:
- <histfile>
- a file where gp will keep a history of all input commands (you need to set
the histfile default in the gprc file)
- gphelp
- default external help program (as above)
- *.gp
- GP programs
- place to look for the user's preference file (gprc); if the file does not
exist, we then check in $HOME/.gprc, /etc/gprc, and finally for a file
named 'gprc' in PARI's datadir.
- directory containing data installed by optional PARI packages. For
example, the Galois resolvents files in directory galdata/ needed
by the polgalois function, in degrees 8 to 11; or the modular
polynomials in seadata/ used by the ellap function for large
base fields. This environment variable overrides PARI's 'datadir', defined
at Configure time.
- an application able to display PostScript files, used by the plotps
graphic engine. This engine is a fallback used to output hi-res plots even
when no compatible graphical library was available on your platform at
Configure time. (Dumps the graph to a temporary file, then open the file.)
- an application able to display SVG images files, used by the
plotsvg graphic engine. This engine is a fallback used to output
hi-res plots even when no compatible graphical library was available on
your platform at Configure time. (Dumps the graph to a temporary file,
then open the file.)
- name of the external help program invoked by ?? and ??? shortcuts.
- name of the directory where temporary files will be generated.
PARI's home page resides at
There are a number of mailing lists devoted to the PARI/GP
package, and most feedback should be directed to those. See
for details. The most important ones are:
- pari-announce (moderated): for us to announce major
version changes.
- pari-dev: for everything related to the development of
PARI, including suggestions, technical questions, bug reports or patch
- pari-users: for discuss about everything else, in
particular ask for help.
To subscribe, send empty messages with a Subject: containing the
word "subscribe" respectively to
Bugs should be submitted online to our Bug Tracking System,
available from PARI's home page, or directly from the URL
Further instructions can be found on that page.
Despite the leading G, GP has nothing to do with GNU. The first
version was originally called GPC, for Great Programmable Calculator. When
people started calling it "the GPC Calculator", the trailing C was
PARI has nothing to do with the French capital. The name is a pun
about the project's early stages when the authors started to implement a
library for "Pascal ARIthmetic" in the PASCAL programming
language. They quickly switched to C.
For the benefit of non-native French speakers, here's a slightly
expanded explanation: Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a famous French
mathematician and philosopher who was one of the founders of probability and
devised one of the first "arithmetic machines". He once proposed
the following "proof" of the existence of God for the unbelievers:
whether He exists or not I lose nothing by believing in Him, whereas if He
does and I misbehave... This is the so-called "pari de Pascal"
(Pascal's Wager).
Note that PARI also means "fairy" in Persian.
PARI was originally written by Christian Batut, Dominique
Bernardi, Henri Cohen, and Michel Olivier in Laboratoire A2X (Universite
Bordeaux I, France), and was maintained by Henri Cohen up to version 1.39.15
(1995), and by Karim Belabas since then.
A great number of people have contributed to the successive
improvements which eventually resulted in the present version. See the
AUTHORS file in the distribution.
gap(1), gphelp(1), perl(1),
readline(3), sage(1), tex(1), texmacs(1),
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.