GOTSH(1) General Commands Manual GOTSH(1)

gotshGame of Trees Shell

gotsh -cgit-receive-pack repository-path

gotsh -cgit-upload-pack repository-path

gotsh is the network-facing interface to gotd(8). It implements the server-side part of the Git network protocol used by git(1) and got(1).

gotsh is not an interactive shell. gotsh is intended to be configured as the login shell of Git repository user accounts on servers running gotd(8). If users require a different login shell, gotsh can be installed in the command search path under the names git-receive-pack and git-upload-pack, or gitwrapper(1) can be used to select the appropriate command to run automatically.

The users can then interact with gotd(8) over the network. When users invoke commands such as got send and got fetch on client machines, got(1) will connect to the server with ssh(1). gotsh will facilitate communication between gotd(8) running on the server machine and the got(1) or git(1) program running on the client machine.

Users running gotsh should not have access to Git repositories by means other than accessing the unix socket of gotd(8) via gotsh.

It is recommended to restrict ssh(1) features available to users of gotsh. See the EXAMPLES section for details.

Set the path to the unix socket which gotd(8) is listening on. If not specified, the default path /var/run/gotd.sock will be used.

sshd_config(5) directives such as the following are recommended to protect the server machine and any systems reachable from it, especially if anonymous users are allowed to connect:

Match User developer
    DisableForwarding yes
    PermitTTY no

It can be convenient to add all relevant users to a common group, such as “developers”, and then use this group as the Match criteria:

Match Group developers
    DisableForwarding yes
    PermitTTY no

Anonymous users can be given public read-only access by using a gotd.conf(5) access rule such as the following:

repository "public" {
	path "/var/git/public.git"
	permit ro anonymous

The anonymous user account should have a publicly known password, or can be set up with an empty password in which case the user's vipw(8) entry would look similar to this example:


Use of an empty password must be explicitly allowed in sshd_config(5):

Match User anonymous
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    PermitEmptyPasswords yes
    DisableForwarding yes
    PermitTTY no

gitwrapper(1), got(1), ssh(1), gotd.conf(5), sshd_config(5), gotd(8)

Stefan Sperling <>

January 31, 2025 Debian