goid-tool - smart card utility for GoID fingerprint card

goid-tool [OPTIONS] [mode]

The goid-tool utility can be used from the command line to read and write data of the GoID fingerprint card[1].

--help, -h

Print help message on screen.

--version, -V

Print the OpenSC package release version.

--reader string, -r string

Specify the number of the reader to use. By default, the first reader with present card is used. If the argument is an ATR, the reader with a matching card will be chosen.

--verbose, -v

Cause goid-tool to be more verbose. Use it multiple times to be even more verbose.

--verify-pin, -p

Verify PIN.

--verify-bio, -b

Verify finger print.


Verify PIN or finger print (user's choice).


Change PIN


Use (several times) to change one or more biometric templates


Dump Information about the SoCManager's configuration

--certificate filename, -c filename

Use (several times) to pass CV certificates

--key, -k,

Private key for the CV certificate


Print the card ID

--write-cardid data

Write the specified card ID


Print the PAccess ID

--write-paccessid data

Write the specified PAccess ID

--read-dg id

Read the specified data group; use several times to read out multiple files

--out-file filename

Write output to a file instead of printing it; use once for each use of --read-dg

--write-dg id

Write the specified data group; use several times to write multiple files

--in-file filename

Read input from a file; use once for each use of --write-dg

--delete-dg id

Delete the specified data group; use several times to delete multiple files

--create-dg id

Create the specified data group; use several times to create multiple files

--new-size size

File size of newly created DGs

--new-read-ac condition

Access condition for reading newly created DGs

--new-read-ac condition

Access condition for reading newly created DGs

--new-read-ac-chatbit index

Required access bit in certificate's CHAT for reading newly created DGs

--new-write-ac condition

Access condition for writing newly created DGs

--new-write-ac-chatbit index

Required access bit in certificate's CHAT for writing newly created DGs


goid-tool was written by Frank Morgner <frankmorgner@gmail.com>.

GoID fingerprint card
04/01/2024 opensc