GIT-REVIEW(1) General Commands Manual GIT-REVIEW(1)

git-reviewSubmit changes to Gerrit for review

git-review [-r remote] [-uv] -d change [branch]

git-review [-r remote] [-uv] -x change [branch]

git-review [-r remote] [-uv] -N change [branch]

git-review [-r remote] [-uv] -X change [branch]

git-review [-r remote] [-uv] -m change-ps-range [branch]

git-review [-r remote] [-fnuv] -s [branch]

git-review [-fnuvDRT] [-r remote] [-t topic] [--reviewers reviewer ...] [--notify type] [branch]

git-review -l

git-review --version

git-review automates and streamlines some of the tasks involved with submitting local changes to a Gerrit server for review. It is designed to make it easier to comprehend Gerrit, especially for users that have recently switched to Git from another version control system.

change can be changeNumber as obtained using --list option, or it can be changeNumber,patchsetNumber for fetching exact patchset from the change. In that case local branch name will have a -patch[patchsetNumber] suffix.

The following options are available:

change, --download=change
Download change from Gerrit into a local branch. The branch will be named after the patch author and the name of a topic. If the local branch already exists, it will attempt to update with the latest patchset for this change.
change, --cherrypick=change
Apply change from Gerrit and commit into the current local branch ("cherry pick"). No additional branch is created.

This makes it possible to review a change without creating a local branch for it. On the other hand, be aware: if you are not careful, this can easily result in additional patch sets for dependent changes. Also, if the current branch is different enough, the change may not apply at all or produce merge conflicts that need to be resolved by hand.

change, --cherrypickonly=change
Apply change from Gerrit into the current working directory, add it to the staging area ("git index"), but do not commit it.

This makes it possible to review a change without creating a local commit for it. Useful if you want to merge several commits into one that will be submitted for review.

If the current branch is different enough, the change may not apply at all or produce merge conflicts that need to be resolved by hand.

change, --cherrypickindicate=change
Apply change from Gerrit and commit into the current local branch ("cherry pick"), indicating which commit this change was cherry-picked from.

This makes it possible to re-review a change for a different branch without creating a local branch for it.

If the current branch is different enough, the change may not apply at all or produce merge conflicts that need to be resolved by hand.

, --new-changeid
Force the git-review to generate a new Change-Id, even if one already exists in the changelog.
change-ps-range, --compare=change-ps-range
Download the specified patchsets for change from Gerrit, rebase both on master and display differences (git-diff).

change-ps-range can be specified as changeNumber,oldPatchSetNumber[-newPatchSetNumber]

oldPatchSetNumber is mandatory, and if newPatchSetNumber is not specified, the latest patchset will be used.

This makes it possible to easily compare what has changed from last time you reviewed the proposed change.

If the master branch is different enough, the rebase can produce merge conflicts. If that happens rebasing will be aborted and diff displayed for not-rebased branches. You can also use --no-rebase (-R) to always skip rebasing.

, --finish
Close down the local branch and switch back to the target branch on successful submission.
, --force-rebase
Force a rebase before doing anything else, even if not otherwise needed.
, --dry-run
Don't actually perform any commands that have direct effects. Print them instead.
remote, --remote=remote
Git remote to use for Gerrit.
, --setup
Just run the repo setup commands but don't submit anything.
topic, --topic=topic
Sets the target topic for this change on the Gerrit server. If not specified, a bug number from the commit summary will be used. Alternatively, the local branch name will be used if different from remote branch.
, --no-topic
Submit review without topic.
, --private
Send patch as a private patch ready for review. Gerrit versions >= 2.15
, --remove-private
Send patch which already in private state to normal patch. Gerrit versions >= 2.15
, --work-in-progress
Send patch as work in progress for Gerrit versions >= 2.15
, --ready
Send patch that is already work in progress as ready for review. Gerrit versions >= 2.15
reviewer ...
Subscribe one or more reviewers to the uploaded patch sets. Reviewers should be identifiable by Gerrit (usually use their Gerrit username or email address).
Control to whom email notifications are sent. Possible values are NONE, OWNER, OWNER_REVIEWERS, ALL (the last one is the default).
, --update
Skip cached local copies and force updates from network resources.
, --list
List the available reviews on the Gerrit server for this project.
, --yes
Indicate that you do, in fact, understand if you are submitting more than one patch.
, --verbose
Turns on more verbose output.
, --no-rebase
Do not automatically perform a rebase before submitting the change to Gerrit.

When submitting a change for review, you will usually want it to be based on the tip of upstream branch in order to avoid possible conflicts. When amending a change and rebasing the new patchset, the Gerrit web interface will show a difference between the two patchsets which contains all commits in between. This may confuse many reviewers that would expect to see a much simpler difference.

Also can be used for --compare to skip automatic rebase of fetched reviews.

Disable thin pushes when pushing to Gerrit. This should only be used if you are currently experiencing unpack failures due to missing trees. It should not be required in typical day to day use.
Enable or disable a color output. Default is "auto".
Same thing as --color=never.
Do not run scripts, installed as hooks/{action}-review, where action is one of "pre" or "post".
Choose the branch to submit the change against (and, if rebasing, to rebase against) from the branch being tracked (if a branch is being tracked), and set the tracking branch when downloading a change to point to the remote and branch against which patches should be submitted. See gitreview.track configuration.
Ignore any branch being tracked by the current branch, overriding gitreview.track. This option is implied by providing a specific branch name on the command line.
Use the pushurl option for the origin remote rather than conventional separate Gerrit remotes.
Print the license text and exit.
Print the version number and exit.
Print the short help message and exit.

This utility can be configured by adding entries to Git configuration.

The following configuration keys are supported:

Default username used to access the repository. If not specified in the Git configuration, Git remote or .gitreview file, the user will be prompted to specify the username.

Example entry in the .gitconfig file:

This setting determines the default scheme (ssh/http/https) of gerrit remote
This setting determines the default hostname of gerrit remote
This setting determines the default port of gerrit remote
This setting determines the default name of gerrit git repo
This setting determines the default name to use for gerrit remote
This setting determines the default branch
Set to true to never submit with a default topic
Determines whether to prefer the currently-tracked branch (if any) and the branch against which the changeset was submitted to Gerrit (if there is exactly one such branch) to the defaultremote and defaultbranch for submitting and rebasing against. If the local topic branch is tracking a remote branch, the remote and branch that the local topic branch is tracking should be used for submit and rebase operations, rather than the defaultremote and defaultbranch.

When downloading a patch, creates the local branch to track the appropriate remote and branch in order to choose that branch by default when submitting modifications to that changeset.

A value of 'true' or 'false' should be specified.

Do prefer the currently-tracked branch (if any) - equivalent to setting --track when submitting changes.
Ignore tracking branches - equivalent to setting --no-track (the default) or providing an explicit branch name when submitting changes. This is the default value unless overridden by .gitreview file, and is implied by providing a specific branch name on the command line.
This setting determines whether to use a separate Git remote for the Gerrit connection, or to set 'pushurl' on the remote 'origin'.

A value of 'true' or 'false' should be specified.

Do not use 'pushurl' and instead use a separate remote.
Use 'pushurl' for interacting with Gerrit.
This setting determines whether changes submitted will be rebased to the newest state of the branch.

A value of 'true' or 'false' should be specified.

Do not rebase changes on submit - equivalent to setting -R when submitting changes.
Do rebase changes on submit. This is the default value unless overridden by .gitreview file.

This setting takes precedence over repository-specific configuration in the .gitreview file.

This setting changes the look of the author part when naming the local branch of a downloaded change. Value must be one of "name", "email", or "username". Default is "name". See also the --download option.
Whether to use ANSI escape sequences to add color to the output displayed by this command. Default value is determined by color.ui.
auto or true
If you want output to use color when written to the terminal (default with Git 1.8.4 and newer).
If you want all output to use color
never or false
If you wish not to use color for any output. (default with Git older than 1.8.4)

git-review will query git credential system for Gerrit user/password when authentication failed over http(s). Unlike git, git-review does not persist Gerrit user/password in git credential system for security purposes and git credential system configuration stays under user responsibility.

To use git-review with your project, it is recommended that you create a file at the root of the repository named .gitreview and place information about your Gerrit installation in it. The format is similar to the Windows .ini file format:

port=TCP port number of gerrit
project=project name
defaultbranch=branch to work on

It is also possible to specify optional default name for the Git remote using the defaultremote configuration parameter.

Setting defaultrebase to zero will make git-review not to rebase changes by default (same as the -R command line option)


When the same option is provided through FILES and CONFIGURATION, the CONFIGURATION value wins.

Normally, exit status is 0 if executed successfully. Exit status 1 indicates general error, sometimes more specific error codes are available:

Gerrit commit-msg hook could not be successfully installed.
Could not parse malformed argument value or user input.
Cannot fetch list of open changesets from Gerrit.
Cannot parse list of open changesets received from Gerrit.
Cannot query information about changesets.
Cannot fetch information about the changeset to be downloaded.
Changeset not found.
Particular patchset cannot be fetched from the remote git repository.
Specified patchset number not found in the changeset.
Invalid patchsets for comparison.
Connection to Gerrit was closed.
Cannot checkout downloaded patchset into the new branch.
Cannot checkout downloaded patchset into existing branch.
Cannot hard reset working directory and git index after download.
Cannot switch to some other branch when trying to finish the current branch.
Cannot delete current branch.
Requested patchset cannot be fully applied to the current branch. This exit status will be returned when there are merge conflicts with the current branch. Possible reasons include an attempt to apply patchset from the different branch or code. This exit status will also be returned if the patchset is already applied to the current branch.
Cannot determine top level Git directory or .git subdirectory path.
Unauthorized (401) http request done by git-review.
Not Found (404) http request done by git-review.

Exit status larger than 31 indicates problem with communication with Gerrit or remote Git repository, exit status larger than 63 means there was a problem with a local repository or a working copy.

Exit status larger than or equal to 128 means internal error in running the "git" command.

To fetch a remote change number 3004:

$ git-review -d 3004
Downloading refs/changes/04/3004/1 from gerrit into
Switched to branch 'review/someone/topic_name
$ git branch
* review/author/topic_name

Gerrit looks up both name of the author and the topic name from Gerrit to name a local branch. This facilitates easier identification of changes.

To fetch a remote patchset number 5 from change number 3004:

$ git-review -d 3004,5
Downloading refs/changes/04/3004/5 from gerrit into
Switched to branch 'review/someone/topic_name-patch5
$ git branch
* review/author/topic_name-patch5

To send a change for review and delete local branch afterwards:

$ git-review -f
remote: Resolving deltas:   0% (0/8)
To ssh://
 * [new branch]      HEAD -> refs/for/master/topic_name
Switched to branch 'master'
Deleted branch 'review/someone/topic_name'
$ git branch
* master

An example .gitreview configuration file for a project department/project hosted on port 29418 in the branch master :


Bug reports can be submitted to!/project/opendev/git-review

git-review is maintained by OpenDev Contributors

This manpage has been enhanced by:
Antoine Musso ⟨⟩
Jeremy Stanley ⟨⟩
Marcin Cieslak ⟨⟩
Pavel Sedlák ⟨⟩
