GIT-MR(1) Git Extras GIT-MR(1)

git-mr - Checks out a merge request locally

git-mr <number> [<remote>]
git-mr <url>
git-mr clean

Fetches merge request head by its number or URl and check it out in a branch named with merge request number.


The name of the remote to fetch from. Defaults to origin.


GitLab merge request URL in the format https://gitlab.tld/owner/repository/merge_requests/453.

This checks out merge request !51 from remote origin to branch mr/51.

$ git mr 51
 * [new ref]         refs/merge-requests/51/head -> mr/51
Switched to branch 'mr/51'

Written by Étienne BERSAC from git-pr(1).



November 2023