git-lfs-uninstall - Remove Git LFS configuration
Perform the following actions to remove the Git LFS
•Remove the "lfs" clean and smudge
filters from the global Git config.
•Uninstall the Git LFS pre-push hook if run from
inside a Git repository.
Removes the "lfs" smudge and clean filters from
the local repository’s git config, instead of the global git config
Removes the "lfs" smudge and clean filters from
the current working tree’s git config, instead of the global git config
(~/.gitconfig) or local repository’s git config ($GIT_DIR/config). If
multiple working trees are in use, the Git config extension
worktreeConfig must be enabled to use this option. If
only one working tree is in use, --worktree has the
same effect as --local. This option is only available
if the installed Git version is at least 2.20.0 and therefore supports the
"worktreeConfig" extension.
Removes the "lfs" smudge and clean filters from
the system git config, instead of the global git config (~/.gitconfig).
Skips cleanup of the local repo; use if you want to
uninstall the global lfs filters but not make changes to the current
git-lfs-install(1), git-worktree(1).
Part of the git-lfs(1) suite.