gfwhere - print replica locations

gfwhere [options] path...

The gfwhere command prints hostnames of filesystem nodes which hold replicas of the specified files.


Displays information of all replicas. This is similar to specifying the -dio options.


Displays replicas on filesystem nodes which are currently down as well.


Displays the following indicators just after each hostname. If the replica has been logically removed, but may still remain phisically, ";" and the replica's generation number are displayed. If the replica is incomplete because it's in the midst of replication, "?" is displayed. If the host is currently down, "-" is displayed.

-h host

Only displays files stored on the specified host. When the -h option is specified multiple times, it displays files stored on all specified hosts. When the host A and host B are specified, it displays files stored on both host A and host B. The -h option can be specified up to three times.


Displays incomplete replicas which are in the midst of replication.


Displays in long format as follows.

This displays one hostname in each line.

If -o option or -a option is specified, this displays the generation number of the replica after the hostname.

If -d option or -a option is specified, this displays an indicator which shows whether this host is down (d) or up (-) at next column.

If -i option or -a option is specified, this displays an indicator which shows whether this replica is incomplete (i) or not (-) at next column. In the former case, this replica is in the midst of replication.

If -o option or -a option is specified, this displays an indicator which shows whether this replica is obsolete (o) or not (-) at next column. In the former case, this replica has been logicall removed.

-m N

Only displays files having less than or equal to N replicas and having greater than 0 bytes.


Displays obsolete replicas which has been logically removed, but may still remain phisically.

-r, -R

Displays subdirectories recursively.


Displays a list of command options.
12 Mar 2016 Gfarm