gffutils-cli - Command line interface for python-gffutils.

usage: gffutils-cli [-h]


Fetch IDs.
Fetch children from the database according to ID.
Fetch parents from the database according to ID.
Returns features within provided genomic coordinates.
Create a database.
Identify child features in common (e.g., common exons across multiple isoforms)
Perform various QC operations to clean a GFF or GTF file.
Search the attributes.
Sanitize a GFF file. Might get merged with clean feature later. Cleans and adds useful annotations to a GFF file: - Ensures that start > end in all entries - Adds an entry id (eid) to each entry to make files grep-able Outputs result to stdout unless asked to sanitize in place.
Remove duplicates from a GFF file.

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April 2024 gffutils-cli 0.13