genwqe_vpdupdate - IBM Hardware Accelerator Tool.

genwqe_vpdupdate [OPTIONS]...

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

print usage information
print version

-C, --card=CARDNO

-f, --file=VPD.BIN

use multiple d to increase dump info
set this flag for update VPD
set this flag to display VPD from a card
verbose level, use multiple v's to increase

This utility updates the Genwqes FLASH with new VPD information from a *.bin file. Do not disconnect the card from power while updating. Ensure you have the correct update image. Use of incorrect images or interrupting the update will make the card unusable. In this case you need a USB-Blaster utility or similar to get it working again.

./genwqe_vpdupdate -C0 -f vpd.bin

./genwqe_vpdupdate -C0 -s

./genwqe_vpdupdate -C0 -s -d
April 2020 genwqe_vpdupdate 4.0.18