gensample - Generates a virtual sample suitable for sequence simulation in ODIN

gensample: Generates a virtual sample suitable for sequence simulation in ODIN This program is part of odin 2.0.5 with configuration using_gcc debug gui(:5) standalone dl posix_threads libz gsl nifti vtk dicom png ismrmrd gdb

Create a sample from external maps:
-o <Sample-file>
Create a point-spread function:
gensample -psf -t1 <point T1> -t2 <point T2> [-dc <DiffusionCoeff>] -o <Sample-file>
Create rectangle of uniform spin distribution about origin in all 3 spatial dimensions:
gensample -uni -n <size> -f <FOV> [-t1 <uniform T1>] [-t2 <uniform T2>] -o <Sample-file>
Create an isochromat distribution:
gensample -iso -n <size> -df <freq-distribution-width[kHz]> -t1 <point T1> -t2 <point T2> [-dc <point Dcoeff>] -o <Sample-file>
Create a homogenous disk with given radius:
gensample -dsk -n <size> -f <FOV> -R <radius> [-t1 <uniform T1>] [-t2 <uniform T2>] [-dc <uniform DiffusionCoeff>] -o <Sample-file>
Create coaxial cylinder:
gensample -cyl -n <size> -f <FOV> -Xi <inner-suscept[ppm]> -Xo <outer-suscept[ppm]> -Ri <inner-radius> -Ro <outer-radius> [-t1 <uniform T1> -t2 <uniform T2> -sl <single-line>] -o <Sample-file>

-v <loglevel> or <component:loglevel> for debugging/tracing all components or a single component, respectively. Possible values for loglevel are: 0(noLog), 1(errorLog), 2(warningLog), 3(infoLog), 4(significantDebug), 5(normalDebug), 6(verboseDebug).

-h, --help, -help, --version : Print help text or version information

October 2021 gensample 2.0.5