gdalcompare - Compare two images. [--help] [--help-general] [-dumpdiffs] [-skip_binary] [-skip_overviews] [-skip_geolocation] [-skip_geotransform] [-skip_metadata] [-skip_rpc] [-skip_srs] [-sds] <golden_file> <new_file>
The script compares two GDAL supported datasets and reports the differences. In addition to reporting differences to the standard output the script will also return the difference count in its exit value.
Image pixels, and various metadata are checked. There is also a byte by byte comparison done which will count as one difference. So if it is only important that the GDAL visible data is identical a difference count of 1 (the binary difference) should be considered acceptable.
Whether to output the difference in pixel content in a TIFF file in the current directory.
Whether to skip exact comparison of binary content.
Whether to skip comparison of overviews.
Whether to skip comparison of GEOLOCATION metadata domain.
Whether to skip comparison of geotransform matrix.
Whether to skip comparison of metadata
Whether to skip comparison of Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC) metadata domain.
Whether to skip comparison of spatial reference systems (SRS).
Note that the script (like all the other scripts) can also be called as a library from python code: from osgeo_utils import gdalcompare. The primary entry point is gdalcompare.compare_db() which takes a golden gdal.Dataset and a new gdal.Dataset as arguments and returns a difference count (excluding the binary comparison). The gdalcompare.compare_sds() entry point can be used to compare subdatasets.
Frank Warmerdam <>
February 8, 2024 |