GCLI-COMMENT(1) General Commands Manual GCLI-COMMENT(1)

gcli commentComment on tickets in git forges

gcli comment [-y] [-o owner -r repo] [-i issue | -p PR]

gcli comment can be used to add comments in the discussion under issues and pull requests on git(1) forges such as Github, Gitlab and Gitea. Note that PRs are treated as issues on GitHub and Gitea, making the -i and -p flags exchangable without changing the overall effect of creating the comment. gcli comment will open an editor, either specified in your environment through EDITOR or the one set in your global config file to enter the comment. See gcli(1).

, --owner owner
Comment in the repository of the given owner. This option can only be used in combination with -r.
, --repo repo
Comment in the given repository. This option can only be used in combination with -r.
, --yes
Do not ask for confirmation before submitting the comment. Assume yes.
, --issue issue
Create the comment under issue #issue.
, --pull pr
Create the comment under PR #pr.

Comment under PR #11 in the upstream repository:

$ gcli comment -p 11

Comment under issue 1 in herrhotzenplotz/gcli:

$ gcli comment -o herrhotzenplotz -r gcli -i 1

git(1), gcli(1), gcli-issues(1), gcli-pulls(1)

Nico Sonack aka. herrhotzenplotz <nsonack@herrhotzenplotz.de> and contributors.

There is no way to preview the markdown markup, however you can input markdown which will be rendered on the remote site.

Please report bugs via E-Mail to ~herrhotzenplotz/gcli-discuss@lists.sr.ht.

Alternatively you can report them on any of the forges linked at https://herrhotzenplotz.de/gcli. However, the preferred and quickest method is to use the mailing list.

January 31, 2025 gcli 2.2.0