GAEVAL(1) User Commands GAEVAL(1)

gaeval - calculate coverage and intergrity scores for gene models based on transcript alignments

gaeval [options] alignments.gff3 genes.gff3 [moregenes.gff3 ...]

Basic options:

print this help message and exit
print version number and exit
Weights for calculating integrity score (must add up to 1.0):
introns confirmed, or % expected CDS length for single-exon genes; default is 0.6
exon coverage; default is 0.3
% expected 5' UTR length; default is 0.05
% expected 3' UTR length; default is 0.05
Expected feature lengths for calculating integrity score:
expected CDS length (in bp); default is 400
-5|--exp-5putr: INT
expected 5' UTR length; default is 200
-3|--exp-3putr: INT
expected 3' UTR length; default is 100
January 2016 gaeval 0.15.1