fusioninventory-netdiscovery - Standalone network discovery

fusioninventory-netdiscovery [options] --first <address> --last <address>

    --first <ADDRESS>      IP range first address
    --last <ADDRESS>       IP range last address
    --port <PORT[,PORT2]>  SNMP port (161)
    --protocol <PROT[,P2]> SNMP protocol/domain (udp/ipv4)
    --community <STRING>   SNMP community string (public)
    --credentials <STRING> SNMP credentials (version:1,community:public)
    --timeout <TIME        SNMP timeout, in seconds (1)
    --entity <ENTITY>      GLPI entity
    --threads <COUNT>      number of discovery threads (1)
    --control              output control messages
    -i --inventory         chain with netinventory task for discovered devices
    -s --save <FOLDER>     base folder where to save discovery and inventory xmls
                            - netdiscovery xmls will go in <FOLDER>/netdiscovery
                            - netinventory xmls will go in <FOLDER>/netinventory
    --debug                debug output
    -h --help              print this message and exit
    --version              print the task version and exit

fusioninventory-netdiscovery can be used to run a network discovery task without a GLPI server.

Set the first IP address of the network range to scan.
Set the last IP address of the network range to scan.
List of ports to try, defaults to: 161

Set it to 161,16100 to first try on default port and then on 16100.

List of protocols to try, defaults to: udp/ipv4

Possible values are: udp/ipv4,udp/ipv6,tcp/ipv4,tcp/ipv6

Use given string as SNMP community (assume SNMPv1).
Use given string as SNMP credentials specification. This specification is a comma-separated list of key:value authentication parameters, such as:
  • version:2c,community:public
  • version:3,username:admin,authprotocol:sha,authpassword:s3cr3t
  • etc.
Set SNMP timeout, in seconds.
Set GLPI entity.
Use given number of inventory threads.
Output server-agent control messages, in addition to inventory result itself.
Turn the debug mode on. Multiple usage allowed, for additional verbosity.

Run a discovery against a network range, using SNMP version 1:

    $> fusioninventory-netdiscovery --first --last \
    --community public

Run a discovery against a network range, using multiple SNMP credentials:

    $> fusioninventory-netdiscovery --first --last \
    --credentials version:2c,community:public \
    --credentials version:3,username:admin,authprotocol:sha,authpassword:s3cr3t
2022-12-02 perl v5.36.0