FTWHICH(1) | General Commands Manual | FTWHICH(1) |
ftwhich - fault tolerant search for a command name
ftwhich [-#hIp][-t#] program_name
ftwhich is a fault tolerant version of the which(1) command. ftwhich searches for a given program in all directories included in your PATH environment variable and reports all files with a name that approximately matches the given program_name.
ftwhich achieves fault tolerance by calculating the so called Weighted Levenshtein Distance. The Levenshtein Distance is defined as the minimum number of character insertions, deletions and replacements that transform a string A into a string B.
ftwhich is similar to the which command with the following differences:
The last argument to ftwhich is not parsed for options as the program needs at least one program_name argument. This means that ftwhich -x will not complain about a wrong option but search for the program named -x.
Search for all programs like gcc in your PATH:
ftwhich gcc
This will e.g. find gcc or cc or CC ...
To find all files that start with any prefix and end in
config and differ in 2 letters from the word config:
ftwhich -2 '*config'
To find all files that exactly start with the prefix if:
ftwhich -0 'if*'
To find all clock programs:
ftwhich -0 '*clock*'
The wildcards '?' and '*' can not be escaped. These characters function always as wildcards. This is however not a big problem since there is normally hardly any command that has these characters in its name.
Guido Socher (guido@linuxfocus.org)
whichman(1), ftff(1)
January 1999 | Search utilities |