FORTLS(1) User Commands FORTLS(1)

fortls - Fortran Language Server for the Language Server Protocol

usage: fortls [options] [debug options]

fortls - Fortran Language Server

show this help message and exit
Print server version number and exit
Configuration options file (default file name: .fortlsrc, other default supported names: .fortls.json, .fortls)
Number of threads to use during workspace initialization (default: 4)
Send notification message when workspace initialization is complete
Use incremental document synchronization (beta)
Display variable keywords information, function/subroutine definitions, etc. in a consistent (sorted) manner default: no sorting, display code as is)
fortls automatically checks PyPi for newer version and installs them.Use this option to disable the autoupdate feature.
DEPRECATED, this is now the default. To sort use sort_keywords
Generate debug log in project root folder
Display options for debugging fortls

Folders containing source files (default: set())
Consider additional file extensions to the default (default: F,F77,F90,F95,F03,F08,FOR,FPP (lower & upper casing))
Source file extensions to be excluded (default: set())
Folders to exclude from parsing

Do not filter autocomplete results by variable prefix
Do not use snippets with place holders in autocomplete results
Complete only the name of procedures and not the parameters
Use lowercase for intrinsics and keywords in autocomplete requests
Use signature help instead of subroutine/function snippets. This effectively sets --autocomplete_no_snippets

DEPRECATED: This option is always on. Show hover information for variables
Show signature information in hover for arguments
Language used for responses to hover requests a VSCode language id (default: fortran90)

Maximum line length (default: -1)
Maximum comment line length (default: -1)
Disable diagnostics

File extensions to be parsed ONLY for preprocessor commands (default: all uppercase source file suffixes)
Folders containing preprocessor files with extensions PP_SUFFIXES.
A dictionary with additional preprocessor definitions. Preprocessor definitions are normally included via INCLUDE_DIRS

Do not include type members in document symbol results

Enable experimental code actions (default: false)

All options starting with '--' can also be set in a configuration file, by default named '.fortlsrc', '.fortls.json' or '.fortls' (other names/paths can specified via -c or --config). For more details see our documentation:

September 2023 fortls 2.13.0+dfsg.1