FLOW(1) User Commands FLOW(1)

flow - Eclipse compatible parallel reservoir simulator


Flow, an advanced reservoir simulator for ECL-decks provided by the Open Porous Media project.

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Print all parameters, including obsolete, hidden and deprecated ones.
Use GPU (cusparseSolver or openclSolver) or FPGA (fpgaSolver) as the linear solver, usage: '--accelerator-mode=[none|cusparse|opencl|fpga|amgcl]'. Default: "none"
Allow the perforations of a well to be distributed to interior of multiple processes. Default: false
Use alternative well rate initialization procedure. Default: true
Choose device ID for cusparseSolver or openclSolver, use 'nvidia-smi' or 'clinfo' to determine valid IDs. Default: 0
Continue with a non-converged solution instead of giving up if we encounter a time step size smaller than the minimum time step size. Default: false
MaxIterations of the elliptic pressure part of the cpr solver. Default: 20
Reuse preconditioner interval. Used when CprReuseSetup is set to 4, then the preconditioner will be fully recreated instead of reused every N linear solve, where N is this parameter. Default: 10
Reuse preconditioner setup. Valid options are 0: recreate the preconditioner for every linear solve, 1: recreate once every timestep, 2: recreate if last linear solve took more than 10 iterations, 3: never recreate, 4: recreated every CprReuseInterval. Default: 3
Maximum relative change of the bottom-hole pressure in a single iteration. Default: 1
Maximum relative change of pressure in a single iteration. Default: 0.3
Maximum absolute change of any saturation in a single iteration. Default: 0.2
Maximum absolute change of a well's volume fraction in a single iteration. Default: 0.2
The name of the file which contains the ECL deck to be simulated. Default: ""
Enable partial compensation of systematic mass losses via the source term of the next time step. Default: true
Tell the output writer to use double precision. Useful for 'perfect' restarts. Default: false
The number of report steps that ought to be skipped between two writes of ECL results. Default: -1
Use strict mode for parsing - all errors are collected before the applicaton exists. Default: false
Choose edge-weighing strategy: 0=uniform, 1=trans, 2=log(trans). Default: 1
Use adaptive time stepping between report steps. Default: true
Write the ECL-formated results in a non-blocking way (i.e., using a separate thread). Default: true
Dispatch a separate thread to write the VTK output. Default: true
Specify if the simulation ought to be actually run, or just pretended to be. Default: "auto"
Write binary output which is compatible with the commercial Eclipse simulator. Default: true
Write ESMRY file for fast loading of summary data. Default: false
Developer option to see whether logging was on non-root processors. In that case it will be appended to the *.DBG or *.PRT files. Default: false
Include OPM-specific keywords in the ECL restart file to enable restart of OPM simulators from these files. Default: false
Store previous storage terms and avoid re-calculating them. Default: true
Print high-level information about the simulation's progress to the terminal. Default: true
Honor some aspects of the TUNING keyword. Default: false
Global switch for turning on writing VTK files. Default: false
Enable the well operability checking. Default: true
Enable the well operability checking during iterations. Default: false
Write all solutions to disk instead of only the ones for the report steps. Default: false
Do not print fluid-in-place values after each report step even if requested by the deck. Default: false
Do not print reservoir volumes values after each report step even if requested by the deck. Default: false
Specify the bitstream file for fpgaSolver (including path), usage: '--fpga-bitstream=<filename>'. Default: ""
Always attempt to finish a report step using a single substep. Default: false
List of Eclipse keywords which should be ignored. As a ':' separated string. Default: ""
The fill-in level of the linear solver's ILU preconditioner. Default: 0
Use red-black partitioning for the ILU preconditioner. Default: false
The relaxation factor of the linear solver's ILU preconditioner. Default: 0.9
Whether to reorder the entries of the matrix in the red-black ILU preconditioner in spheres starting at an edge. If false the original ordering is preserved in each color. Otherwise why try to ensure D4 ordering (in a 2D structured grid, the diagonal elements are consecutive). Default: false
The size of the initial time step in days. Default: 1
Configuration of solver. Valid options are: ilu0 (default), cpr (an alias for cpr_trueimpes), cpr_quasiimpes, cpr_trueimpes or amg. Alternatively, you can request a configuration to be read from a JSON file by giving the filename here, ending with '.json.'. Default: "ilu0"
Continue with the simulation like nothing happened after the linear solver did not converge. Default: false
The maximum number of iterations of the linear solver. Default: 200
The minimum reduction of the residual which the linear solver must achieve. Default: 0.01
Produce the full sparsity pattern for the linear solver. Default: false
The number of iterations after which GMRES is restarted. Default: 40
The verbosity level of the linear solver (0: off, 2: all). Default: 0
Explicitly specify the influences of wells between cells in the Jacobian and preconditioner matrices. Default: false
Maximum number of inner iterations for multi-segment wells. Default: 100
Maximum number of inner iterations for standard wells. Default: 50
Maximum newton iterations with inner well iterations. Default: 8
Maximum relative pressure change for a single iteration of the multi-segment well model. Default: 1e+06
Absolute maximum tolerated for residuals without cutting the time step size. Default: 1e+07
Maximum time step size where single precision floating point arithmetic can be used solving for the linear systems of equations. Default: 20
Maximum absolute change of temperature in a single iteration. Default: 5
Maximum number of iterations to determine solution the well equations. Default: 30
Maximum number of times a well can switch to the same control. Default: 3
Specify which variant of the modified-ILU preconditioner ought to be used. Possible variants are: ILU (default, plain ILU), MILU_1 (lump diagonal with dropped row entries), MILU_2 (lump diagonal with the sum of the absolute values of the dropped row entries), MILU_3 (if diagonal is positive add sum of dropped row entrires. Otherwise subtract them), MILU_4 (if diagonal is positive add sum of dropped row entrires. Otherwise do nothing. Default: "ILU"
Minimum number of Newton iterations before relaxed tolerances can be used for the CNV convergence criterion. Default: 0
The minimum time step size (in days for field and metric unit and hours for lab unit) can be reduced to based on newton iteration counts. Default: 0
The minimum time step size in days for which problematic wells are not shut. Default: 0.01
The maximum relaxation factor of a Newton iteration. Default: 0.5
The minimum number of Newton iterations per time step. Default: 1
The type of relaxation used by Newton method. Default: "dampen"
Number of blocks to be created for the Block-Jacobi preconditioner. Default: 0
Parallelize ILU decomposition and application on GPU. Default: true
Choose platform ID for openclSolver, use 'clinfo' to determine valid platform IDs. Default: 0
The directory to which result files are written. Default: ""
Specify the number of report steps between two consecutive writes of restart data. Default: 1
Specify which messages are going to be printed. Valid values are: none, log, all (default). Default: "all"
Order cells owned by rank before ghost/overlap cells. Default: true
An .ini file which contains a set of run-time parameters. Default: ""
The threshold value for the primary variable switching conditions after its meaning has switched to hinder oscilations. Default: 1e-05
Print the values of the run-time parameters at the start of the simulation. Default: 2
Print the values of the compile time properties at the start of the simulation. Default: 2
Option for doing saturation projection. Default: false
Regularization factor for wells. Default: 100
The fraction of the pore volume of the reservoir where the volumetric error (CNV) may be voilated during strict Newton iterations. Default: 0.03
Relaxed tolerance for the MSW pressure solution. Default: 10000
Relaxed tolerance for the well flow residual. Default: 0.001
Scale linear system according to equation scale and primary variable types. Default: false
When restarting: should we try to initialize wells and groups from historical SCHEDULE section. Default: false
Perform partitioning for parallel runs on a single process. Default: false
Shut unsolvable wells. Default: true
Fully solve the well equations before each iteration of the reservoir model. Default: true
Continue instead of stop when minimum solver time step is reached. Default: false
The factor time steps are elongated after a successful substep. Default: 2
The maximum factor time steps are elongated after a report step. Default: 3
The maximum number of breakdowns before a substep is given up and the simulator is terminated. Default: 10
The maximum size of a time step in days. Default: 365
The minimum size of a time step in days for field and metric and hours for lab. If a step cannot converge without getting cut below this step size the simulator will stop. Default: 1e-12
The factor time steps are elongated after restarts. Default: 0.33
Specify the "chattiness" of the non-linear solver itself. Default: 1
Number of inner well iterations with strict tolerance. Default: 40
Number of newton iterations for which wells are checked with strict tolerance. Default: 6
Maximum absolute temperature. Default: 1e+09
Minimum absolute temperature. Default: 0
The maximum number of threads to be instantiated per process ('-1' means 'automatic'). Default: -1
Time step size of the first time step after an event occurs during the simulation in days. Default: -1
The algorithm used to determine time-step sizes. valid options are: 'pid' (default), 'pid+iteration', 'pid+newtoniteration', 'iterationcount', 'newtoniterationcount' and 'hardcoded'. Default: "pid+newtoniteration"
The decay rate of the time step decrease when the target iterations is exceeded. Default: 1
The decay rate of the time step size of the number of target iterations is exceeded. Default: 0.75
The name of the file which contains the hardcoded time steps sizes. Default: "timesteps"
The growth rate of the time step increase when the target iterations is undercut. Default: 3.2
The growth rate of the time step size of the number of target iterations is undercut. Default: 1.25
The number of linear iterations which the time step control scheme should aim for (if applicable). Default: 30
The number of Newton iterations which the time step control scheme should aim for (if applicable). Default: 8
The tolerance used by the time step size control algorithm. Default: 0.1
Specify the "chattiness" during the time integration. Default: 1
Local convergence tolerance (Maximum of local saturation errors). Default: 0.01
Relaxed local convergence tolerance that applies for iterations after the iterations with the strict tolerance. Default: 1
Tolerated mass balance error relative to total mass present. Default: 1e-06
Tolerance for the pressure equations for multi-segment wells. Default: 1000
Tolerance for the well control equations. Default: 1e-07
Well convergence tolerance. Default: 0.0001
Update scaling factors for mass balance equations during the run. Default: false
Use GMRES as the linear solver. Default: false
Use the well model for multi-segment wells instead of the one for single-segment wells. Default: true
Try to detect and correct oscillations or stagnation during the Newton method. Default: true
Tolerable imbalance of the loadbalancing provided by Zoltan (default: 1.1). Default: 1.1
October 2022 flow 2022.10