fitsinfo(1) astropy 1.1 fitsinfo(1)

fitsinfo - Print a summary of the HDUs in one or more FITS files(s)

fitsinfo filename [filename ...]

fitsinfo is a command-line script based on for printing a summary of the HDUs in one or more FITS files(s) to the standard output.

Example usage of fitsinfo:

1. Print a summary of the HDUs in a FITS file:

$ fitsinfo filename.fits

Filename: filename.fits
No. Name Type Cards Dimensions Format
0 PRIMARY PrimaryHDU 138 ()
1 SCI ImageHDU 61 (800, 800) int16
2 SCI ImageHDU 61 (800, 800) int16
3 SCI ImageHDU 61 (800, 800) int16
4 SCI ImageHDU 61 (800, 800) int16

2. Print a summary of HDUs of all the FITS files in the current directory:

$ fitsinfo *.fits

April 2015 fitsdiff