firebuild - accelerate build
firebuild [OPTIONS]
Execute BUILD COMMAND with Firebuild instrumentation
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short
options too.
-c, --config-file=FILE
use FILE as configuration file
-C, --directory=DIR
change directory before running the command
-d, --debug-flags=list
comma separated list of debug flags, -d help to
get a list.
-D, --debug-filter=list
Comma separated list of commands to debug. Debug messages
related to processes which are not listed are suppressed.
-g, --gc
Garbage collect the cache. Keeps debugging entries
related to kept files when used together with --debug cache.
Generate a report on the build command execution. The
report's filename can be specified (firebuild-build-report.html by
-h, --help
show this help
-o, --option=key=val
Add or replace a scalar in the config
-o, --option=key=[]
Clear an array in the config
-o, --option=key+=val
Append to an array of scalars in the config
-o, --option=key-=val
Remove from an array of scalars in the config
-s, --show-stats
Show cache hit statistics. When used together with
BUILD COMMAND, the statistics of the current run are shown. Without a
BUILD COMMAND it shows the cumulative statistics of all prior runs
(since the creation of the used cache directory).
-z, --zero-stats
Zero cache hit statistics before performing any other
-i, --insert-trace-markers
Perform open("/FIREBUILD debug message",
0) calls to let users find unintercepted calls using strace or ltrace.
This works in debug builds only.
output version information and exit
Exit status of the BUILD COMMAND or 1 in case of failure in