fi_info(1) | #VERSION# | fi_info(1) |
fi_info - Simple utility to query for fabric interfaces
fi_info [OPTIONS]
The fi_info utility can be used to query for available fabric interfaces. The utility supports filtering based on a number of options such as endpoint type, provider name, or supported modes. Additionally, fi_info can also be used to discover the environment variables that can be used to tune provider specific parameters. If no filters are specified, then all available fabric interfaces for all providers and endpoint types will be returned.
$ fi_info -p verbs -t FI_EP_DGRAM
This will respond with all fabric interfaces that use endpoint type FI_EP_DGRAM with the verbs provider.
fi_info -c 'FI_MSG|FI_READ|FI_RMA'
This will respond with all fabric interfaces that can support FI_MSG|FI_READ|FI_RMA capabilities.
By default fi_info will output a summary of the fabric interfaces discovered:
$ ./fi_info -p verbs -t FI_EP_DGRAM provider: verbs fabric: IB-0xfe80000000000000 domain: mlx5_0-dgram version: 116.0 type: FI_EP_DGRAM protocol: FI_PROTO_IB_UD $ ./fi_info -p tcp provider: tcp fabric: domain: eth0 version: 116.0 type: FI_EP_MSG protocol: FI_PROTO_SOCK_TCP
To see the full fi_info structure, specify the -v option.
fi_info: caps: [ FI_MSG, FI_RMA, FI_TAGGED, FI_ATOMIC, FI_READ, FI_WRITE, FI_RECV, FI_SEND, FI_REMOTE_READ, FI_REMOTE_WRITE, FI_MULTI_RECV, FI_RMA_EVENT, FI_SOURCE, FI_DIRECTED_RECV ] mode: [ ] addr_format: FI_ADDR_IB_UD src_addrlen: 32 dest_addrlen: 0 src_addr: fi_addr_ib_ud://:::0/0/0/0 dest_addr: (null) handle: (nil) fi_tx_attr: caps: [ FI_MSG, FI_RMA, FI_TAGGED, FI_ATOMIC, FI_READ, FI_WRITE, FI_SEND ] mode: [ ] op_flags: [ ] msg_order: [ FI_ORDER_RAR, FI_ORDER_RAW, FI_ORDER_RAS, FI_ORDER_WAW, FI_ORDER_WAS, FI_ORDER_SAW, FI_ORDER_SAS, FI_ORDER_RMA_RAR, FI_ORDER_RMA_RAW, FI_ORDER_RMA_WAW, FI_ORDER_ATOMIC_RAR, FI_ORDER_ATOMIC_RAW, FI_ORDER_ATOMIC_WAR, FI_ORDER_ATOMIC_WAW ] comp_order: [ FI_ORDER_NONE ] inject_size: 3840 size: 1024 iov_limit: 4 rma_iov_limit: 4 tclass: 0x0 fi_rx_attr: caps: [ FI_MSG, FI_RMA, FI_TAGGED, FI_ATOMIC, FI_RECV, FI_REMOTE_READ, FI_REMOTE_WRITE, FI_MULTI_RECV, FI_RMA_EVENT, FI_SOURCE, FI_DIRECTED_RECV ] mode: [ ] op_flags: [ ] msg_order: [ FI_ORDER_RAR, FI_ORDER_RAW, FI_ORDER_RAS, FI_ORDER_WAW, FI_ORDER_WAS, FI_ORDER_SAW, FI_ORDER_SAS, FI_ORDER_RMA_RAR, FI_ORDER_RMA_RAW, FI_ORDER_RMA_WAW, FI_ORDER_ATOMIC_RAR, FI_ORDER_ATOMIC_RAW, FI_ORDER_ATOMIC_WAR, FI_ORDER_ATOMIC_WAW ] comp_order: [ FI_ORDER_NONE ] total_buffered_recv: 0 size: 1024 iov_limit: 4 fi_ep_attr: type: FI_EP_RDM protocol: FI_PROTO_RXD protocol_version: 1 max_msg_size: 18446744073709551615 msg_prefix_size: 0 max_order_raw_size: 18446744073709551615 max_order_war_size: 0 max_order_waw_size: 18446744073709551615 mem_tag_format: 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tx_ctx_cnt: 1 rx_ctx_cnt: 1 auth_key_size: 0 fi_domain_attr: domain: 0x0 name: mlx5_0-dgram threading: FI_THREAD_SAFE control_progress: FI_PROGRESS_MANUAL data_progress: FI_PROGRESS_MANUAL resource_mgmt: FI_RM_ENABLED av_type: FI_AV_UNSPEC mr_mode: [ ] mr_key_size: 8 cq_data_size: 8 cq_cnt: 128 ep_cnt: 128 tx_ctx_cnt: 1 rx_ctx_cnt: 1 max_ep_tx_ctx: 1 max_ep_rx_ctx: 1 max_ep_stx_ctx: 0 max_ep_srx_ctx: 0 cntr_cnt: 0 mr_iov_limit: 1 caps: [ ] mode: [ ] auth_key_size: 0 max_err_data: 0 mr_cnt: 0 tclass: 0x0 fi_fabric_attr: name: IB-0xfe80000000000000 prov_name: verbs;ofi_rxd prov_version: 116.0 api_version: 1.16 nic: fi_device_attr: name: mlx5_0 device_id: 0x101b device_version: 0 vendor_id: 0x02c9 driver: (null) firmware: 20.33.1048 fi_bus_attr: bus_type: FI_BUS_UNKNOWN fi_link_attr: address: (null) mtu: 4096 speed: 0 state: FI_LINK_UP network_type: InfiniBand
To see libfabric related environment variables -e option.
$ ./fi_info -e # FI_LOG_INTERVAL: Integer # Delay in ms between rate limited log messages (default 2000) # FI_LOG_LEVEL: String # Specify logging level: warn, trace, info, debug (default: warn) # FI_LOG_PROV: String # Specify specific provider to log (default: all) # FI_PROVIDER: String # Only use specified provider (default: all available)
To see libfabric related environment variables with substring use -g option.
$ ./fi_info -g tcp # FI_OFI_RXM_DEF_TCP_WAIT_OBJ: String # ofi_rxm: See def_wait_obj for description. If set, this overrides the def_wait_obj when running over the tcp provider. See def_wait_obj for valid values. (default: UNSPEC, tcp provider will select). # FI_TCP_IFACE: String # tcp: Specify interface name # FI_TCP_PORT_LOW_RANGE: Integer # tcp: define port low range # FI_TCP_PORT_HIGH_RANGE: Integer # tcp: define port high range # FI_TCP_TX_SIZE: size_t # tcp: define default tx context size (default: 256) # FI_TCP_RX_SIZE: size_t # tcp: define default rx context size (default: 256) # FI_TCP_NODELAY: Boolean (0/1, on/off, true/false, yes/no) # tcp: overrides default TCP_NODELAY socket setting # FI_TCP_STAGING_SBUF_SIZE: Integer # tcp: size of buffer used to coalesce iovec's or send requests before posting to the kernel, set to 0 to disable # FI_TCP_PREFETCH_RBUF_SIZE: Integer # tcp: size of buffer used to prefetch received data from the kernel, set to 0 to disable # FI_TCP_ZEROCOPY_SIZE: size_t # tcp: lower threshold where zero copy transfers will be used, if supported by the platform, set to -1 to disable (default: 18446744073709551615)
fi_getinfo(3), fi_endpoint(3)
2022-12-11 | Libfabric Programmer’s Manual |