fetch_all_refseq_bacterial_genomes - visually comparing bacterial, plasmid, chloroplast, or mitochondrial sequences

fetch_all_refseq_bacterial_genomes -o DIR

Downloads all bacterial RefSeq sequences form NCBI in GenBank format. The --min and --max options can be used to restrict the size of the returned sequences.

-o, --output DIR

The output directory to contain the downloaded GenBank files.

-m, --min INTEGER

Records with a sequence length shorter than this value will be ignored.

-x, --max INTEGER

Records with a sequence length longer than this value will be ignored.

-h, --help

Show this message.

fetch_all_refseq_bacterial_genomes -o my_project/comparison_genomes

This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

August 2018 fetch_all_refseq_bacterial_genomes 20170919