EUKTOPDF(1) Eukleides Manual EUKTOPDF(1)

euktopdf - Eukleides to PDF converter

euktopdf FILE

Eukleides is a computer language devoted to elementary plane geometry. It aims to be a fairly comprehensive system to create geometric figures, either static or dynamic. It allows one to handle geometric types of data like points, vectors, lines, circles, or conics.

The euktopdf script is useful to convert auxiliary Eukleides files, generated when running pdflatex(1) on a LaTeX document containing Eukleides figures, into auxiliary PDF files. The argument for the script is the LaTeX source name.

Christian Obrecht <obrecht at eukleides dot org>.

Eukleides info pages for full documentation.
eukleides(1), euktopst(1), euktoeps(1), euktotex(1).

2010/01/08 Eukleides