# create new empty plot window
ds9 -plot line
ds9 -plot bar
# create new plot from data file
ds9 -plot line xy.dat xy
ds9 -plot line xy.dat 'The Title' 'X Axis' 'Y Axis'
# existing plot
ds9 -plot gui
ds9 -plot load xy.dat xy
ds9 -plot save foo.dat
ds9 -plot current foo
ds9 -plot layout strip
ds9 -plot layout strip scale 30
ds9 -plot add graph bar
ds9 -plot current graph 1
ds9 -plot delete graph
ds9 -plot current dataset 1
ds9 -plot delete dataset
ds9 -plot duplicate
ds9 -plot stats yes
ds9 -plot list yes
ds9 -plot backup foo.bck
ds9 -plot restore foo.bck
ds9 -plot pagesetup orient portrait
ds9 -plot pagesetup size letter
ds9 -plot print
ds9 -plot print destination file
ds9 -plot print command lp
ds9 -plot print filename foo.ps
ds9 -plot print color rgb
ds9 -plot close
ds9 -plot mode pointer
# export plot
ds9 -plot export tiff foo.tiff jpeg
ds9 -plot export jpeg foo.jpeg 75
ds9 -plot export png foo.png
# configure graph
ds9 -plot axis x grid yes
ds9 -plot axis x log yes
ds9 -plot axis x flip yes
ds9 -plot axis x auto no
ds9 -plot axis x min 1
ds9 -plot axis x max 100
ds9 -plot axis x format '%f'
ds9 -plot background white
ds9 -plot legend yes
ds9 -plot legend position left
ds9 -plot font numbers font times
ds9 -plot font numbers size 12
ds9 -plot font numbers weight bold
ds9 -plot font numbers slant italic
ds9 -plot title 'This is a Title'
ds9 -plot title x 'X Axis'
ds9 -plot title y 'Y Axis'
ds9 -plot title legend 'This is the Legend'
# configure current dataset
ds9 -plot show yes
ds9 -plot name 'My Data'
# line dataset
ds9 -plot line smooth step
ds9 -plot line color red
ds9 -plot line width 2
ds9 -plot line dash yes
ds9 -plot line fill no
ds9 -plot line fill color red
ds9 -plot line shape symbol circle
ds9 -plot line shape size 5
ds9 -plot line shape color cyan
ds9 -plot line shape fill no
# bar dataset
ds9 -plot bar border color red
ds9 -plot bar border width 2
ds9 -plot bar fill no
ds9 -plot bar color red
ds9 -plot bar width 10
ds9 -plot error yes
ds9 -plot error color red
ds9 -plot error cap yes
ds9 -plot error width 2
p?pn?ng?g Load PNG image into current frame.
ds9 png foo.png
$cat foo.png | ds9 -png - p?po?or?rt?t Set the IRAF port number, used by IRAF to
communicate with DS9. The default is 5137, the standard IRAF port used by
ds9 -port 5137
p?po?or?rt?t_?_o?on?nl?ly?y i?in?ne?et?t_?_o?on?nl?ly?y Only use the IRAF port
number. This is the same as -fifo none -unix none.
ds9 -port_only
p?po?ow?w Select power scale function for the current frame.
ds9 -pow
p?pr?re?ef?fs?s Controls various preference settings.
-prefs [open]
[bg color yes| no]
[bg color <color> ]
[nan color <color> ]
[precision <linear> <degree> <hms> <dms> <len
linear> <len degree> <len arcmin> <len arcsec>
<angle> ]
[theme <theme> ]
[threads <numeric> ]
[irafalign yes| no]
ds9 -prefs open
ds9 -prefs save
ds9 -prefs clear
ds9 -prefs close
ds9 -prefs bg color no
ds9 -prefs bg color red
ds9 -prefs nan color blue
ds9 -prefs precision 8 7 4 3 8 7 5 3 8
ds9 -prefs theme radiance
ds9 -prefs threads 8
ds9 -prefs iraf yes
p?pr?re?es?se?er?rv?ve?e Preserve the follow attributes while loading a new
- -preserve
- [pan yes| no]
[regions yes| no]
ds9 -preserve pan yes
ds9 -preserve regions yes
p?ps?sp?pr?ri?in?nt?t Invokes postscript printing. Please see _?p_?r_?i_?n_?t
for further details. p?pr?ri?in?nt?t Controls printing. Use print option to
set printing options.
-print [destination printer| file]
[command <command> ]
[filename <filename> ]
[color rgb| cmyk| gray]
[level 1| 2| 3]
[resolution72| screen| 96| 144| 150| 225| 300| 600| 1200]
ds9 -print
ds9 -print destination file
ds9 -print command lp
ds9 -print filename foo.ps
ds9 -print color cmyk
ds9 -print level 2
ds9 -print resolution 96
p?pr?ri?is?sm?m Invoke FITS analysis tool.
[<filename> ]
[load <filename> ]
[import xml| rdb| tsv <filename> ]
[export xml| rdb| tsv <filename> ]
[current <ref> ]
[ext <int> | <extname> ]
[first| next| prev| last]
[goto <int> ]
[mode newplot| newgraph| overplot]
[histogram <col> <numbins> [<min> <max> ] ]
[plot <colx> <coly> [<colerrx> ] [<colerry> ] xy| xyex|
xyey| xyexey]
ds9 -prism
ds9 -prism open
ds9 -prism foo.fits
ds9 -prism load bar.fits
ds9 -prism import tsv bar.tsv
ds9 -prism clear
ds9 -prism current prism2
ds9 -prism ext 2
ds9 -prism ext STDEVT
ds9 -prism first
ds9 -prism next
ds9 -prism goto 20345
ds9 -prism image
ds9 -prism mode newplot
ds9 -prism histogram RAWX 40
ds9 -prism histogram RAWX 40 0 100
ds9 -prism plot RAWX RAWY xy
ds9 -prism plot RAWX RAWY PHA xyex
ds9 -prism plot RAWX RAWY PHA PHI xyexey
r?ra?ai?is?se?e Raise in the window stacking order.
ds9 -raise
r?re?eg?gi?io?on?n Controls regions in the current frame.
-region [<filename> ]
[load [all] <filename> ]
[save [select] <filename> ]
[list [close| select] ]
[epsilon <integer> ]
[show yes| no]
[showtext yes| no]
[centroid auto yes| no]
[centroid radius <value> | iteration <value> ]
[move front| back]
[select all| none| all| front| back]
[delete [select] ]
[delete load <filename> ]
[format ds9| xml| ciao| saotng| saoimage| pros| xy]
[system image| physical| wcs| wcsa...wcsz]
[sky fk4| fk5| icrs| galactic| ecliptic]
[skyformat degrees| sexagesimal]
[strip yes| no]
[shape <shape> ]
[color <color> ]
[fill yes| no] ;
[width <width> ]
[dash yes| no]
[font times| helvetica| courier]
[fontsize <value> ]
[fontweight normal| bold]
[fontslant roman| italic]
[fixed| edit| rotate| delete yes| no]
[include| exclude| source| background]
[command <marker command> ]
[analysis histogram| panda| plot2d| plot3d| radial| stats [open| close| save] ]
[template <filename> ]
[template <filename> at <ra> <dec> <coordsys>
<skyframe> ]
[savetemplate <filename> ]
[group new]
[group <tag> new]
[group <tag> update]
[group <tag> select]
[group <tag> color <color> ]
[group <tag> copy]
[group <tag> delete]
[group <tag> cut]
[group <tag> font <font> ]
[group <tag> move <int> <int> ]
[group <tag> movefront]
[group <tag> moveback]
[group <tag> property <property> yes| no]
[paste image| physical| wcs| wcsa...wcsz]
[open| close]
ds9 -region foo.reg
ds9 -region -format ciao bar.reg # load as ciao
ds9 -region foo.fits # FITS region files do not need a
format specification
ds9 -region load foo.reg # load foo.reg into current
ds9 -region load all foo.reg # load foo.reg into all
ds9 -region load '*.reg'# expand *.reg and load into
current frame
ds9 -region load all '*.reg' # expand *.reg and load into
all frames
ds9 -region save foo.reg
ds9 -region save select foo.reg
ds9 -region list
ds9 -region list select
ds9 -region list close
ds9 -region epsilon 5
ds9 -region show yes
ds9 -region showtext no
ds9 -region centroid
ds9 -region centroid auto yes
ds9 -region centroid radius 10
ds9 -region centroid iteration 20
ds9 -region move back
ds9 -region move front
ds9 -region select all
ds9 -region select none
ds9 -region select invert
ds9 -region select front
ds9 -region select back
ds9 -region delete
ds9 -region delete select
ds9 -region delete load foo.reg
ds9 -region format ds9
ds9 -region system wcs
ds9 -region sky fk5
ds9 -region skyformat degrees
ds9 -region strip yes
ds9 -region shape ellipse
ds9 -region color red
ds9 -region fill yes
ds9 -region width 3
ds9 -region dash yes
ds9 -region font times
ds9 -region fontsize 24
ds9 -region fontweight bold
ds9 -region fontslant italic
ds9 -region edit yes
ds9 -region include
ds9 -region command "circle 100 100 20 #
ds9 -region analysis stats $ds9 -region analysis stats
close $ds9 -region