drumgizmo - drum application

drumgizmo [OPTIONS] <FILE>

DrumGizmo is an open source cross-platform drum plugin and stand-alone application. It is comparable to several commercial drum plugin products.

DrumGizmo uses an open drumkit file format, allowing the community to create their own drumkits. It has multichannel output, making it possible to mix it just the way you would a real drumkit. The optional built-in humanizer analyzes the midi notes, adjusting velocities on-the-fly. This client can be a stand-alone midi renderer, generating .wav files, 1 for each channel. Or use DrumGizmo as a software sampler for an electronic drumkit. There are also plugin versions available.

-a, --async_load

Load kit in the background.

-b, --bleed
Set and enable master bleed.

-i, --inputengine {dummy|test|jackmidi|midifile}
Use said event input engine.

-I, --inputparms parmlist
Set input engine parameters.





speed=<tempo> (default 1.0)

track=<miditrack> (default -1, all tracks)





dev=<device> (default '/dev/midi')


p=<hit_propability> (default 0.1)

instr=<instrument> (default -1, random instrument)

len=<seconds> (default -1, forever)


-o, --outputengine {dummy|alsa|jackaudio|wavfile|oss}
Use said audio output engine.

-O, --outputparms parmlist
Set output engine parameters.


dev=<device> (default 'default')

frames=<frames> (default 32)

srate=<samplerate> (default 44100)


file=<filename> (default 'output')

srate=<samplerate> (default 44100)


dev=<device> (default /dev/dsp)

srate=<samplerate> (default 44100)

max_fragments=<fragments> (default 4)

fragment_size=<size> (default 8)

More info on max_fragments and fragment_size on http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT.html



-e, --endpos
Number of samples to process, (default -1: infinite)

-r, --no-resampling
Disable resampling

-s, --streaming
Enable diskstreaming

-S, --strimingparms parmlist
Parameters for controlling the streaming buffers.

limit=<size> (Limit the amount of preloaded drumkit data to the size)

-t, --timing-humanizer
Enable moving of notes in time.

Note: adds latency to the output so do not use this with a real-time midi drumkit.

-T, --timing-humanizerparms parmlist
Timing humanizer options.

laidback=<val> (Move notes ahead or behind in time in ms [+/-100].)

tightness=<val> (Control the tightness of the drummer. [0,1].)

regain=<val> (Control how fast the drummer catches up the timing. [0,1])

-t, --velocity-humanizer
Enables adapting input velocities to make it sound more realistic.

-T, --velocity-humanizerparms parmlist
Velocity humanizer options.

attack=<val> (How quickly the velocity gets reduced when playing fast notes. Lower values result in faster velocity reduction. [0,1])

release=<val> (How quickly the drummer regains the velocity when there are spaces between the notes. Lower values result in faster regain. [0,1])

stddev=<val> (The standard-deviation for the velocity humanizer. Higher value makes it more likely that a sample further away from the input velocity will be played. [0,4.5])

-l, --voice-limit
Enable voice limit.

-L, --voice-limitparms parmlist
Voice limit options.

max=<val> (Maximum number of voices for each instrument before old samples are ramped down. [1,30])

rampdown=<val> (Time it takes for an old sample to completely fall silent. [0.01,2.0])

-p, --parameters parmlist
Parameters for the sample selection algorithm.

close=<val> (The importance given to choosing a sample close to the actual velocity value (after humanization) [0,1])

diverse=<val> (The importance given to choosing samples which haven't been played recently [0,1])

random=<val> (The amount of randomness added [0,1])

-v, --version
Print drumgizmo version and exit.

-h, --help
Print command line help and exit.

Load the drumkitfile.

Render midifile to wav files:

drumgizmo -i midifile -I file=file.mid,midimap=midimap.xml -o wavfile -O file=prefix drumkit.xml
Receive midi from Jack and send audio output to speakers:
drumgizmo -i jackmidi -I midimap=midimap.xml -o jackaudio drumkit.xml

Report bugs to http://www.drumgizmo.org/wiki/doku.php?id=bugs.

For further information, visit the website http://www.drumgizmo.org.

21 July 2018 drumgizmo